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Welcome to Ron Horii's San Francisco Bay Area
Travel and Recreation Homepage!

Welcome! My favorite hobbies and activities are photography, hiking, biking, computers, geocaching, travel, and travel writing. I've created a number of Web pages on travel and recreation in the San Francisco Bay Area and California. Here you will find links to pages with photos and information on parks, beaches, trails, history, and places to visit. 

My pages:

Bay Area Backpages - Visit my pages, once featured on TV, on travel and outdoor activities in the Bay Area. It has pages on parks, hiking, camping, biking, beaches, swimming, museums, playgrounds, views, and information about places in the Bay Area and other parts of California. There's also a technical section on scanners.

My Bay Trail Pages - The Bay Trail, when completed, will be a 400-mile trail along the shores of San Francisco Bay. Here are pictures and descriptions of the southern Bay Trail segments from just north of SFO to Oakland Airport, many of which I did for the official Bay Trail Website.

Recent Park and Trail Web pages:

Santa Teresa County Park

Website on my favorite park in San Jose. The park covers nearly 1700 acres in the rolling, grass-covered hills guarding the southern gateway to the Silicon Valley.
Santa Teresa Park webpages:

Friends of Santa Teresa Park

The volunteer organization supporting Santa Teresa County Park. Find out what's going on in the park and what you can do to help make it better. This site is updated frequently with park and community news, developments, pictures, and volunteer activities. Santa Teresa Park volunteer events and community issues:


Almaden Quicksilver County Park

Website on one of the Bay Area's crown jewels. This park, in the backyard of the Silicon Valley, covers almost 4000 acres, with hiking trails through rugged, wildflower-covered  hills filled with historical quicksilver mining relics.

New Almaden Quicksilver County Park Association

The volunteer organization supporting Almaden Quicksilver County Park. See this site for pictures, events, and volunteer opportunities at the park. Park events:

Self-running slideshows (Windows only)
Instructions for slideshows: move mouse around the bottom of the page to see the controls to pause/play and step back/forward. Slideshow will loop. To stop, right-click, choose Exit option.

Online slideshows

(wait for pages to finish loading, enable Javascript if asked, scroll to bottom, hit play button to start, stop button to stop, click on links to exit):

Events and information on other parks:

Outdoor Photography

I've been been teaching classes on outdoor photography at Santa Teresa Park for several years. These are web pages associated with the class:


  • UCSB Summer - Pictures of my alma mater, UCSB, and of the beaches, parks, trails, and sights in the Santa Barbara area near the campus, taken in summer 2000.
  • California College Tours - information, rankings, pictures, advice, and links on Calfornia 4-year colleges and planning college tours.
  • Pictures of Stanford University.

Other Park Pages

  • Spring Lake Regional Park, Santa Rosa - (May 2001) Guide to Spring Lake Regional Park in Santa Rosa and parks and attractions in Santa Rosa and Sonoma and Napa Counties.
  • Edgewood County Park - Spring 2001 pictures of the trails and wildflowers at Edgewood County Park in Redwood City, one of the best places in the Bay Area for wildflower viewing.
  • Portola State Park and Vicinity - Pictures and information about beautiful redwood-shaded Portola State Park and nearby parks in the Santa Cruz Mountains.,
  • Bay Area Parks - Another Geocities Website of mine hosting the following Web pages:
    • Arastradero Preserve - Pages on the 600-acre preserve in the foothills of the Santa Cruz Mountains above Palo Alto.
    • Coyote Creek Trail -  Webpages with detailed descriptions of the Coyote Creek Trail and new developments.

Ron Horii's Bay Area and Travel FAQS - (June 2001) Indexed archive of my replies to the Bay Area Backroads Message Board, with information on parks, travel, outdoor recreation, etc. and lots of links.

The Santa Teresa Hills and the Coyote Alamitos-Canal - Pictures and descriptions of the Santa Teresa Hills in South San Jose and the Coyote Alamitos-Canal which runs below them.

My Work Used By Others

I often get requests to use pictures or information from my websites. Here are some examples. If you'd like to use something from my websites, send me a note.

Other pages I've worked with:

San Francisco Bay Trail - The official ABAG pages on the 400-mile proposed and partially-completed trail network around San Francisco Bay.

Bay Area Backroads - Web page for KRON's great travel program for SF and California.

Want to get in touch with me? 
Like my page? 
Email me!
 Updated 02/25/09