Most of the time I'll be sitting in silence, thinking.  "How can I craft  stories for the ages?"  Well now it starts with some imagination, a key board, some typing lessons and...
Click below on a link to read a story.  Stories with the * by them are not finished.  All work is copyrighted (c)  by Rhalina Rebecca Fassett.

More stories will be added in time.  Check often for updates!!!
Remember Me

Darkness shattered the room when the bullet hit the light.  Glass fell over the bed, where Jag  sat.  She didn't scream but she did jump.  Tony stood in front of her, holding the gun with it's silencer.  The street lights shined through the windows, dimly lighting the room.

"Where is she Jessica?"  He asked calmly, but waving the gun at her.  Jag just looked at the man.

"I don't know" she paused, "And if I did, I wouldn't tell you."

"Don't play your games with me!"  His voice grew slightly louder.  "Now tell me where Erin is, or else..."

"Or else what?"  Jag said standing up.  Pieces of glass fell off of her.  She had a small knick on her hand where a tiny shard of glass had hit her.  Other than that she was fine.  The bathroom door opened.

"Jess, babe, aren't you getting in-" The man that stood in the doorway, only wearing a towel, went silent when he saw a gun was pointed at him.  "What's this, some kinda joke?"  He asked with a nervious laugh.  The shower was running in the bathroom, the steam was starting to seep through the door into the bedroom.

Tony spoke up, "No, no joke.  It seems your 'babe' here doesn't want to tell me where her friend is.  Maybe you can help me out?"  Tony said looking at the man.

"The one woman who was with Jess?  She went out, I don't know where."  Tony gave the man an unamused look, he then cocked the gun.  "Whoa man, clam down, ok ok ok I'll tell you where she went, just put that down!"  Tony pointed the gun at eye level and took aim.  The man was talking fast, something about how he had gotten to the motel, Tony wasn't listening he was too busy try to figure out where to shoot the man.  He pointed the gun lower, toward the man crotch.  The man instenctivy put his hand over to protect himself.

"Tell me, now."  Tony's voice was low.

"OK, she went to To-"  A gun shot erupted in the man's ears.  His eyes went wide and he felt himself grab his chest.  He stumbled back and caught himself on the door frame.  He gasped for air and looked toward Jessica.  There she stood holding a hand gun, she had a cold look on her face.  The man collasped in the doorway and lay there, dead.

Tony spun towards Jessica, pointing the gun at her.  She acted quickly and fired again.  Tony jumped to the side and ducked.  He took aim at her and fired.  Her back was to him, she was running to the window when she suddenly spun around and fell to the ground.  She held her right arm and the window shattered.
Crazy  *
(Scroll down for preview)
Band-Aids and Blood