*** Astrological Data of Birth ***

The birth chart is a map of the positions of the planets at the time and place of birth. For the benefit of students of astrology, these positions and other technical information is listed below:

Sun       12 Ari 44Neptune   21 Sco 46Mercury   22 Pis 48Pluto     16 Vir 30Venus     26 Aqu 24Uranus    16 Vir 32Mars      18 Ari 45              Saturn    22 Pis 41Jupiter   24 Gem 36Sun       12 Ari 44              Neptune    6 Aqu 13Mercury   15 Pis 22              Pluto     12 Sag 49Venus     24 Pis 20Uranus    19 Aqu 42Mars       7 Tau 24Saturn    15 Tau 38Jupiter    9 Tau 27

Chapter 1: Astrological influence of your personality.

Sun trine Pluto:
During this time you will feel the desire to investigateand study the mysteries of life in depth. You will be interested in the occult and also will bring to the surface memories or impressions of your past that affect your present conduct. It is a year of positive transformation and of freedom. All changes that begin now will enable you to live with more freedom in the future. If you were contemplating some type of therapy, it would be a good time to start and would be very beneficial. You willbe attracted to any type of activity that tests your ability and level of energy. You will need to reaffirm and rely on your own strength, and during this year you will be willing to moveahead.

You will express yourself with authority and strength inyour relationships with others, causing a strong impact and making a very good impression. Due to the strength of your great inner convictions, you will more easily persuade others to adoptyour ideas. Your authority will be notable and you could becomea leader in the group that you are affiliated with.

This astrological influence brings concrete action and will solve many aspects of your life. Once you have made a decision,you will be devoted to working toward your goal. You will experience a transformation and renewal of your life in general.

birthdate: 04/02/1966 Saturday 2:42pm
in Burbank, California
