Humane Cancer Treatments:
RadioFrequency Ablation
Clinical Trials & Studies
Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN: Clinic's study led to FDA approval of RFA for the pain of bone cancer.  Clinical trials were conducted in nine other medical centers in the US, Italy, France and Germany.  Ninety-five percent (95%) of the patients from the Mayo Clinic experienced significant pain relief and had improved quality of life.  (News release, (Oct. 21, 2002)
In a pilot study at M. D. Anderson Cancer Center at the University of Texas the RFA procedure was used to treat breast cancer patients. The results indicated that 100% of the cancerous tumors were destroyed in the targeted area. (Oct. 2001)
In Nov. 1996, the first RFA of a patient with a liver tumor was performed at the Mass General Hospital Cancer Center, in Boston. It was part of a research trial and was considered a success in both efficacy and safety.  The hospital continues to perform this treatment.
The Jan/Feb, 2002 issue of "The Cancer Journal" reported that RFA was shown to relieve the pain of spinal tumors in a recent study.