Hgeocities.com/reubenobermeister/WONKA.htmlgeocities.com/reubenobermeister/WONKA.htmlelayedxTJspOKtext/htmlMpb.HSat, 23 Jul 2005 16:51:21 GMTMozilla/4.5 (compatible; HTTrack 3.0x; Windows 98)en, *TJp WONKA
ROY WONKA sends out five special GOLDEN TICKETS hidden in his candy bars. The lucky children who find them will be able to come with their families to stay in Grants Pass, Oregon, home of Roy's family and his many enterprises.

FACT: For 15 years, Roy begged, pleaded and cajoled radio listeners to come live in Grants Pass, Oregon,
the "only safe place in America" after nuclear wars start.
Roy explained that due to some complex scientific and geographical factors "the nuclear radiation would pass right over Grants Pass" because of the way it was situated.

FACT: Thousands of people did move there.

Roy shows the winners the mighty splendor that is Grants Pass, Oregon. They look in "AWE" as they see the local fundamentalist  Christian nuts post billboards that say the "pope is 666" and other anti-Catholic, anti-Jewish, anti-Black and anti-Roy sentiments.
(actually happened)
The OOMPA-LOOMPAS join Roy's religious cult and become the busy workers day and night at the Masters' family Tall Timber Ranch. They might not get paid for their work, but they get all the philosophy on life one could ask for.