
Welcome to my personal homepage. I am Renjini Narendranath. I belong to Kerala, one of the southern state in India. I am currently pursuing my Ph. D in Computational Linguistics at Language Technologies Research Center, International Institute of Information Technology, Hyderabad, India.

Academic interests:

Details of my studies in Computational Linguistics. My Curriculum Vitae.

I completed my Masters in English Language and Literature from Bangalore University, Karnataka, India.
After doing my masters, I did my Bachelors in Computational Linguistics at the Department of Computational Linguistics University of Saarland , Germany.

  Non-Academic Interests :


I have learnt Carnatic Music for  three years. Those who have learnt music knows that three years means nothing , considering the vastness of this discipline. I was taking music lessons at Rajni School of Music, Malleswaram, Bangalore from Ms. Rupa Sridhar in the month of June and July 2005.  



Photography is my beloved hobby. Here are some of my modest  photo-experiments.
Photosig (Photo Special Interest Group) hosts some of the photos I took also those photos on photosig for which I wrote critiques.


I do but rarely paint. My first lessons in painting were on fabric. We used to paint on with Acrylic Paints (Camel Acrylic Paints ). I found acrylic paints very versitile and convenient medium to paint. I started painting seriously after getting inspired by my teacher. Blue Flowers is my first fabric painting. Couple on Bummel is done with acrylic on paper canvas.

I never really enjoyed painting with oil colors because it takes long time to dry.  Nevertheless, here are two of my oil paintings. Old Barn and  Lonely Flowers.




My personal vegetarian as well as non-vegetarian recipe collection.

Some background designs for html web pages created using GIMP. 

 Email me at :   renjinin at research.iiit.ac.in 

Making India
 Green - Click Here to Make a Difference!       indiatogether.gif    rainWaterHarvesting.jpeg

 Last modified on 11/05/2007