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Siyaar Singee
[See also     Banned Products in India]

Siyar Singee or jackal's horn or hood is the only item in the world which made the scientists shocked for not having any scientific reason for the growth of hair in a dead object. in tantra this is used to protect the dwelling place from all evils and blackmagic. in hindi siyar means jackal and singhi means horn. a jackal normally has no horn but when it hoots facing downwards, a small bunch of hair with a horn emerging from its body at the forehead. this is taken for and is called siyar singhi. it is always kept in vermillion (sindoor), and its hair grows automatically. in the original siyar singhi, the colour of the hair on the day it is plucked out of jackal is one and the new hair grown (extension of the same hair) would be in another colour which is clearly visible. this is the clear distinction to identify a fake and a real one. any place where this is kept, all ghosts, spiritis, devils, evils and negative forces just flee and run away. i have done exorcism to several houses using this holy item. suppose a house is haunted by devils and is uninhabited, you just keep this in that house, do a havan (holy fire) and then the house is free of all evils and ready for occupation. since this is a very rare product with the most miraculous feature of hair growing on its own, it has become priceless. also the hair on the siyar singhi gets combed naturally on its own in a particular style.

there was another reason why this jackal's horn is famous in the west. according to christian belief (as written in the Bible) jackal is the mother of devil and hence any native having jackal's horn is not haunted by the devils.
One more information that was given was that they belong to particular breed of "Siyar" or "Jackal". This species is described as " Motiya". This species has a special tone which is identified by tribal people. The alpha male carries the "Singee". It is said that the leader dies after a regular outbursts of strange voices.

An interesting thing which I discovered when i was in Punjab was a Local phrase which is related to this
sacred powerful object. It is a common practice and belief that a person whose desires materialize without
Hassels must be carrying a "Gidaar Singi". "Gidaar" is a Panjaabee word for "Siyaar".

In Rajasthan many people in "Baniya" community use this as a tool to attract Laxmi. They cut of the hairs of Singi on Deepawali every year. They believe that this way they ward off the demons by doing this and increase the inflow of positive powers. (I never did it because I am still skeptical about it)

As far as hair growth is concerned i have a interesting test to reveal. Just put the singi in Mercury or Parad. It is believed that Singi eats the Mercury inside the Sindoor.
Use of Siyaar Singee
The usages and purposes of Siyaar Singee are varied and even its mere presence in a house makes the dwelling place protected from evils. A Grihasth may keep the Siyaar Singee in any container (plastic or silver) in Sindoor powder and you may put one Ilaayachee (small cardamom) and one Lavang (clove) also in that box. you may daily show an Agarbattee (incense stick) to it. That is it. One does not need to cut it and just let the hair grow on its own. To protect oneself from visible and invisible enemies, one (especially
businessmen) is advised to keep one Siyaar Singee at home and one Siyaar Singee at the shop. One person facing a highly damaging litigation from the government and he won this case after getting a genuine Siyaar Singee.

How to Identifying Its Genuineness
Since it is known that the hair keep growing on the Siyaar Singee , in spite of its being dead , one should himself verify this fact by keeping it in one's possession for at least a year. The seller must agree to a check which is post dated for a year.


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Created and Maintained by Sushma Gupta
Created on 03/15/2006 and Updated on 12/16/2008
E-Mail:  reldictionary@yahoo.com