Opinion Du Jour

(10-31-01)When you see the word "America", what association does it have for you? Besides the fact of it representing a nation, or certain geographical area, what do you think of first? I believe, everywhere, one of the first responses is the word "freedom". America represents the concept of freedom above every other concept it might be connected with. Yes, we have had riches of resource, we have had diversities of people, we have had power and influence, but what is it that has set apart the nation of the United States of America? Its dedication to the freedom of its citizens, and more largely, the freedom of man. This is the love and the basis of this country. We value it above order or fairness or even justice. That is not to say that freedom can long exist without the inclusion of these other characteristics, but freedom is the goal and the basis for what Americans value. It is within the fabric of our government, and it forms the thread of our education; it dominates our actions, so that we make subservient all other obligations, even the will to live, to its preservation.

To preserve the estate of such noble aspirations as "freedom", it is not enough to define what it is not or what it is against; to hold it to its true image is to know what it is and what qualifies it. In America, those who love freedom are not defined by their hatred of terrorism, they are not defined by their enemies, nor by their own power. Those who love freedom are defined by their insistance that freedom be preserved, that it not be abridged for any circumstance, nor for any appeasements. Freedom, for those who love it, is non-negotiable in value.

We have long let licentiousness ride alongside of freedom, but this day has ended. Now, the preciousness of true freedom is at stake and it demands that we understand its outline and substance, that we may guard and protect it. There are things we may need to sacrifice for the preservation of the freedom which America has represented. Let it not be a portion of that freedom, itself.

This is a good time to review the concepts upon which our country was founded, and the source of those concepts. It is a good time to remember what we value and have believed in, and find the supports for those beliefs. It is a time to strengthen the good, and valuble things that still remain in our country and government. It is a time to be ready to stand with that which preserves our freedom and stand against that which would destroy it. Unity does not mean sameness, not even in action. Unity is, rather, the the purpose and goals working in harmony in the same direction. We may have many different faiths and convictions, but we may all have this: a determination that the country of America, and its freedom be preserved.

(10-15-01) The last time I wrote words here they proved prophetic in a way I did not anticipate. Events have since clarified the direction our life in this world is taking. Now, throughout the world, people are scrambling to make sense of the new situation they find themselves in... to reiterate: not only here in America, but globally. As the facts are sinking in we are now hearing many voices promoting directions-

. A voice speaking for Osama Bin Laden got it right: President Bush is a crusader. Not singly, but as a leader in a crusade, is the correct view of this conflict. To believe that the side representing freedom and a society embracing God-given rights of man will prevail on physical might, alone, is naive. Bombs, and troops, and harsh measures will not ensure that justice or freedom is maintained. Trust in God alone, will. And that is what makes it a crusade: to know that it is not the cost, but the truth which matters. These are times when the divisions within mankind will deepen to chasms... when the difference between religions will be acutely drawn, when the characters of nations will come to light, when the souls of men will tried and reviewed.

I have a prophetic message for you, Mr. Bin Laden, and all those who follow you and subscribe to your words: You may boast against men such as yourself, you may proudly call forth your Jihad and your warriors, you may hide within the confines of your rocks, but against the God of the whole earth you will do nothing, the darkness is light before Him and your hiding places will not prevent His eye nor His arm from reaching forth when it is in His time to do so! May the Angel of His Presence go forth and uphold truth and turn your plans upside down, may the murderous and pestilential schemes you participate in be overthrown. May God uphold His Jewish people and those Who are grafted into Israel though His son Jesus. And may the eyes of the Muslim people be opened this day to perceive truth and to receive mercy at the hand of God, that they may not drown themselves in your perditious plans, Mr. Bin Laden.

And yet I know it is not one individual, nor even a certain culture that would be the engine of evil. We are all called to choose. It will be that we must choose. A quote I have admired, for some time, succinctly summarizes the choice:

"If you will not fight for right when you can easily win without bloodshed, if you will not fight when your victory will be sure and not too costly, you may come to the moment when you will have to fight with all odds against you and only a precious chance of survival. There may be even a worse case. You may have to fight when there is no hope of victory, because it is better to perish than live as slaves." -Winston Churchhill

(4-18-01) Usually, I use this space for just personal opinions, but I want to interject an observation on the times in which we live. If you look through the pages I have written in the past couple years, you see practical subjects that deal with daily life. I must state here that this world is in the process of a shaking that will make gardening, exercise, and surfing through the internet of little import. Look at Israel today: when matters of life, death, and freedom rise up before your face you prioritize quite quickly. Where is your alignment, where is your God, who is your God, and how do you relate? As long as we live we need to eat, we need to take care of our health, and we will tend to our earthly things, but a displacement is taking place, and we must ask: are we ready? Perhaps it is time to get ones house in order. I will be bolder than that:"O man, prepare to meet thy God".
Armegeddon? Perhaps tomorrow, perhaps within months, perhaps within some years....but surely sooner than we previously thought or expected. Let us pray and work for peace as much as lies with us, for as long as it is still day. Yes, we may work as long as it is still day.

(4-16-01) WARNING: this opinion is bound to offend people, but it is something I have had on my mind for awhile. I have many brothers and sisters in Christ who have black skin. Many of these brothers and sisters have suffered persecution, rejection, and mistreatment at the hands of those who have white skin and name themselves Christian. I know that. It needs to be addressed and dealt with within America. But the matter that concerns me is the apparent lack of concern for those of black skin who are suffering within Africa. Where are the voices within the black American community, and especially those of Christian faith, on behalf of the black children being sold into slavery? Where are the voices? I am not talking about money, I am not talking about inconveniencing oneself, I am not talking about becoming missionaries, I am not talking about protesting....I am asking: where are the voices? There is a slave trade today, where is the voice crying against it? The Wilberforce voice, this time through the black men and women who have wealth and power in government, rallying justice for our fellow human beings? Aren't those little children in West Africa worth your time, worth your opinion, worth your voice? How powerful a voice that could be! Where is Jesse Jacksons offer to negotiate on their behalf? And it doesn't need to be a known name like his...where are my Christian brothers and sisters speaking out on this?
You've read about it; here, read it again:
Aboard the slave ship of despair

For those who want to ask me, "Who do you think you are?" My email address is: reflectpool@yahoo .com

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