Welcome to the
Red Road Collective's


My name is Marie.

I founded Red Road Collective, along with a few of my shawl sisters, in East Lansing, Michigan in the Winter of 1993. We had a lot of good times together. We've all been together on the Pow-Wow trail since we could first walk. We've done a lot of crying and talking and later, writing and thinking together. We got kicked out of the Michigan Women's Music Festival together. And we've all been pelted with gargage and verbally abused by the WILLIES (Well-Intentioned Liberal Left Insidiously Emulating Skins). Through it all, we supported each other. In the tradition of my elders, we laughed through the pain. I love my shawl sisters more than anything on this earth. I want to thank them for getting me through Eastern High School and four years of 'higher education.'

The newletters, the message pages and the collection of information all developed from this tight group. Most of the artwork is mine. It's a combination of designs I can remember from Pow-Wow programs and doodles I did to survive 8th grade Algebra. I'd particularly like to thank Shannan, Marie, Bonnie, Carla, Shelly, Grace, Michelle and Auntie Laura for helping me keep my spirit strong!






We had to migrate over to bravenet
will be located at:


Tell all your friends to join us at

RRC goes High Tech!
View our Collaborative Video:
What Do Native Americans Want?

You can now view our youtube movie here:

Send us your photos of people engagingin minstrelsy for part 2

Summer 2007 Pow Newsletter - FREE SPEECH AND CYBER BULLYING

2007 Pow Wows and Nish events in the Great Lakes Area

TOBACCO - Use it in a sacred manner, don't abuse it!


Spring 93 Newletter
Cultural Appropriation Issue
Updated May 10, 2008

Our historic first newsletter that caused all the excietment at the MWMF along with the Lakota Declaration

Newsletter Archives

Most Recent Newletter:
A Columbus Day call for

Niizhaaswi Ishkodekan (Seven Fires) of the Ojibwe
Prophesies Pages

The Seven Grandfathers in Aanishnaabemowin

Seven Values of the Ojibwe

Month Names of the Ojibwe

Anishinabe Migration Story
A Historical Perspective on Alcohol

Great Nish Language and Culture Links


Aboriginal Youth Warrior Program -
young people are waking up all over!

See How Euros 'Respect'Us:
U of M Students of Colour
Protest a Secret Society

NEW !!!!Canku Ota report on the "Michigamua" They're still doing this! Please take some time to write to the UofM Board of Reagents.


This wouldn't be an NDN Site without Humor!


NEW!!!! New Age Anonymous
A hilarious12 Step program for twinkies!

Would you buy a used car from Rick Red Chicken White Shi-Tzu Two Sea Cucumbers Bear-Skin Rug Fragrant Cheese Little Quark Black Hole Kerchee Powelson?



Planet Twinkie: A cousin's Humor Site



Links to Native Online Radio

The Acorn Coffee Club: An Anishinaabeg Humour page

We're having some technical difficulties but soon you'll be able to drag your mouse over the photos and see where they came from.

The photographs represent the collective's desire for strong, intelligent Native Women for our role models, as opposed to the lame Poke-a-haunt-us/Land O-Lakes stereotypes we are bombarded with everyday. You can click on many of the images to learn more about these women that we admire.

Copyright 1993-2008
Last Updated: 5/10/8

We'd love to hear from you.
If you have any views, comments, suggestions
on current issues, our website, or on our collective:

You can fe-mail us at: redroadcollective@yahoo.com

We got so many e-mails that our account got disabled, so if you fe-mailed us and didn't get a response, please fe-mail us again!

Chi Miigwetch for your patience!

If you're a hot native guy, please don't fe-mail us looking for a snag - we're all walking over someone at the moment!

We value the opinion of First Nation's people.
If you'd like to take our survey,

If we have posted any material on this site that is in violation
of any copyrights of any sort it is entirely unintentionally.
Please e-mail us and we will remove it within a half moon or so ****

You are our

Click here to go to EFF website

Copyright 1993 - 2008
Red Road Collective
All rights reserved.


This site contains copyrighted material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. We are making such material available in our efforts to advance understanding of environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues, especially as pertains to First Nations, etc. Though links are included to the original location of the works distributed here, these works are distributed in whole as to continue to make these article available for research purposes as from time to time the original disappears from the internet. We believe this constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes.

Web Site Disclaimer


Summary. There is a steady rumor floating around the internet started by a crank nameed Paul Rock Kerche, that this site is a "front" for someone named Jane Redfeather Hall.

Here are the facts:

~*~There is currently no one in the collective by that name and there has never been. It should be obvious, even to those in a coma, that this is an anti-fraud activist site. Our intent is to educate and preserve the beauty and integrity of all aspects Anishinaabe culture. We have never endorsed or supported in any way ANY individual who sells Native American Spirituality for profit and we never will.

Legal Disclaimer

~*~The collective does not receive any monetary compensation for running this website. The website is hosted for free; any ads that appear on this site come from geocities, NOT the collective. There is nothing for sale on this website. No income from the pop up ads goes to the web mistress or anyone affiliated with Red Road Collective.

~*~RRC is not affiliated with any linked website.

~*~This web site is not affiliated with or approved by anyone selling Native American Spiritual Practices for profit. This includes but is not limited to Native style drums, dream catchers, medicine wheels, sage, sweet grass, tobacco bundles, red or white cedar, vision quests, sun dances and sweat lodges.

~*~No specific intent at affiliation or approval of any individual or organization is intended or sought.

~*~Red Road Collective has no control over or is not affiliated with any websites that might link to us and cannot take responsibility for their quality, integrity or authenticity.

~*~Some of our members are minors and some or our members have chosen to exercise their constitutionally protected right to anonymous speech. For this reason, we will not reveal our last names to strangers trolling the internet. We expect reasonable people to respect this.

~*~The views and opinions with this website represent only the views of the collective and not those of the entire Anishinaabeg unless stated explicitly.


To the Red Lake Community:
We will remember your tragedy.
We will remember your love.


Minnie Spotted Wolf - the first Native American woman to enter the Marine Corps Women's Reserve in WW ll.
Wilma Mankiller
Dinnie from Muskegon Pow Wow program 1994
Winnie Jourdain of White Earth - celebrated her 100th birthday
A Member of the Asubpeeschoseewagong (Grassy Narrows First Nation) standing up. A group of mothers and grandmothers from Bay Shore is walking along the Great Lakes to raise awareness about the need to value and protect water resources
Josie from Muskegon Pow-Wow program
Stephaie Bird
Andrea Smith (Cherokee) author of Conquest
Buffy Sainte-Marie
Annaa Mae Aquash -
 First Nations Warrior, Mother and Wife: whose hands the Colonizers took
Charlene Teters (Spokane) Activist for racist mascot issue
 Tessa Reed host of Aboriginal Accent, a radio program in Aaniishinabemowin, currently working at KBIC LOMA MATHIAS co-host of cooking with the Wolfman and Aboriginal Voices on APTN
Roberta BlackGoat(Dineh) Chairperson of Sovereign Dineh Nation, Kick-ass organizer against forced re-location on Big Mountain Amoja Three Rivers
Great Lakes Pow-Wow Page
Winnona LaDuke Nish, VP Candidate for Green Party 2000
Young woman protesting racist Mascots Celia Mix Potawatomi, Marine Corps Women's Reserve, WW II
Lisa Tiger, AIDS awareness activist Catherine Black Elk
Native Lesbian poet and cultural activist Chrystos
Maude Kegg, Naawakamigookwe
Ojibwe Elder, writer, language teacher
Wendy Rose, poet, teacher, facilitator for the Association of Non-Federally Recognized California Tribes. AuntieLaura
Kateri Akiwenzie-Damm, poet, writer, Managing Editor of Kegedonce Press Amy Echo-Hawk (Yakama/Pawnee) NMAI writer, filmmaker, artist Screenings Coordinator, FVC-NMAI
Auntie Laura
Carole LaFavor, Carole S. LaFavor (Ojibwe)  novelist, activist, nurse member of the President's Advisory Council on HIV/AIDS from 1995-1997 and a foundng member of Positively Native, an organisation that supports Native American people with HIV/AIDS featured in Mona Smith's 1988 film Her Giveway (Women Make Movies)

Joy Persall, mother, grandmother, activist, and has committed her work and life to raising awareness of issues of diversity and inclusion and working for justice and equity.
Maria Hupfield,  artist and coordinator for 7th Generation image Makers, Native Child and Family Services of Toronto >
Terri Jean, Editor/Historical Activist, Director of The Red Roots Lisa Aldred, assistant professor in the Center for Native American Studies at Montana State University and 
author of Plastic Shamans and Astroturf Sun Dances: 
New Age Commercialization of Native American Spirituality
Melissa Nelson, Melissa Nelson, cultural ecologist and indigenous rights activist, assistant professor of American Indian Studies at San Francisco State University and executive director of The Cultural Conservancy (TCC), a twenty-year old native non-profit organization based in San Francisco. Lucy from Bay Mills
Bobbie Maxwell sings the National Anthem in Ojibway at the opening of the Angele Project Art Exhibition.
Irene Folstrom, a DFLer and Leech Lake Ojibwe, is hoping to become the first Indian woman elected to the Minnesota Legislature. (Photo courtesy of the Indigenous Democratic Network)
Hoop Dancer Lisa Odjig
Edna Manitowabi is Odawa/Ojibway from Wikwemikong, Manitoulin Island; head woman for the Eastern Doorway of the Three Fires Midewin Lodge. She is also a teacher, ceremonialist, drum keeper and grandmother.

You are listening to Ojibway Square Dance" from Songs of the People, performed by Georgia Wettlin-Larsen.