Choosing Race And Character Types
    Each race has its own strengths and weaknesses.  In Utopa there are 3 basic forms of combat: Thief, Mage, and Attacker.  Some races are better suited for a spicific type of play.  The following are a list of suggestions for a beginner.  If you want to have some success as a beginner I suggest you start with simple straight forward play and wait until you are more experienced before trying modified or Hybrid builds.
ATTACKER: Avian, Orc, Undead, Human, Dwarf.
MAGE: Elf, Faeries 
THIEF: Halfling, Faeries
Those are by no means the end all of possible play, simply put - They are a sure fire way to have early success in playing Utopia.

             Study the Race attributes below and decide what race appeals to you.
             Each Race has strengths and weaknesses.  Some of the weakness you will
             learn to overcome in the build section of this site.  Once you have chose a
             race move down the page and read the section on Character Types.
Original Artwork
Original Artwork
             Humans                                  Elves                            Dwarves                         Orcs
  +20% Income                                             Access to All Spells                 +25% Building Efficiency           +25% Gain on Attacks
  +1 Offensive Specialist Strength                   - 20% Military Wages               Free Building Construction         No Draft Costs
  Capture Science on Traditional Marches        No Access to Dungeons           - 20% Magic Effectiveness        Extra Damage on Massacre   
  -1 Mana Recovery / Hour                            +1 Mana Recovery/Hour           +20% Food Consumption          No bonus from Honor
  -20% Military Wages                                  +15% Exploration Costs
  No Building Credits from Combat
  Elites  4 Offense / 6 Defense points              Elites 6 Offense / 2 Defense       Elites 6 Offense / 5 Defense       Elites 7 Offense / 3 Defense
                 Cost $800                                           Cost $900                                   Cost $1000                          Cost $900

               Faeries                                 Halflings                          Avians                         Undead        
              +50% Magic Effectiveness                         +50% Thief Effectiveness           +60% Birth Rate                     +10% Maximum Population
  No Runes Needed                                      -50% Thief Losses                     -25% Attack Time                  Some Specalist will train into
  +1 Stealth Recovery per hour                      Mercenaries and Prisoners          Immunity to Fog spell             No Food Needed
  15% Enemy Spells Fail                                           fight as 5 soldiers           +1 Defense Specalist              Spreads the Plague
  -10% Maximum Population                         No Access to Hospitals                           Strength                    -30% Science Effects
                                                                                                                 +25% Losses in Combat          Cannot Train Elite Units
                                                                                                                 No Specalist Credits from
  Elites 3 Offense / 6 Defense                       Elites 5 Offense / 4 Defense        Elites 6 Offense / 4 Defense      Elites 8 Ofense / 2 Defense
              Cost $1200                                            Cost $150                                   Cost $800                             Cost $ ----
This race information comes from The Guide to Utopia.  It can be accessed through the links on the main page.
The Merchant
       +10% Income
       Immunity to all Income Penalties (Riots, Plagues, etc.) 
The Shepherd
       30% faster military training, building construction,  
                              exploring, and scientific research
       All lands generate 4 bushels of food per acre daily 
The Sage
       50% lower science research costs
       Immune to Learn Attacks & the Plague 
The Rogue +1 Stealth per Hour
       Access to all thievery operations,
                            including three unique to Rogues 
The Mystic
        +20% Rune Production
        All Guilds are twice as effective 
The War Hero
+50% Bonuses from Honor
         One Additional General 
The Warrior
         75% Cheaper Mercenaries
         Cannot be Ambushed 
The General
         Access to enhanced Conquest Attack at all times
         50% higher effectiveness on intelligence ops & spells
         -10% Casualties for each General sent on an Attack 
The Freak
         Large randomness in all attacks.
         Every 7 Elites take up the space of only 6 peasants
Study the races to learn more about the game.  For a beginning player the following suggestions will help you get off to a good start.
Orc: (Easy: Good attacker) Any but War Hero, Mystic, Rogue, Freak.
                            Suggest Shepard or Merchant until you are good with economy.
Avian: (Easy: Good attacker) Any but Freak, Mystic, Rogue.
                            Suggest Shepard or Merchant until you are good with economy.      
Dwarf: (Medium difficulty: Moderate attacker) Any but Freak, Mystic, Rogue.
                            Suggest Shepard until your experienced with spells and buildings.
Humans: (Medium difficulty: Moderate attacker) Any but Freak, Mystic, Rogue.
                            Suggest Merchant until you are better with economy.       
Undead: (Difficult attacker) avoid until you are more experienced with attacks.
                            Refer to Advanced areas.
Elf: (Easy Mage) Suggest Mystic.
Faeries: (Moderate mage)  Suggest Mystic.
      Faeries: (Easy Theif) Suggest Rogue.
      Halfling: (Moderate difficulty thief) Suggest Rogue.  (Best once you gain experience)
This Character information comes from The Guide to Utopia.
It can be accessed through the links on the main page.
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