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To rest is to take a pause or an interval, as from work or duty. Rest will help our bodies rejuvenate and heal itself. Unfortunately because of the overactive world that we are now living in, a world were people are finding it harder and harder to find time to take a brake from the hustle and the bustle of work life. Resting is quickly becoming a thing of the past. Our lives are so pact with other things that we are unable to accomplish what we need to accomplish in twenty-four hours.
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Rest is nothing difficult. All our bodies ask us to do is to take repose by ceasing work for a short period of time, as by sleeping or lying quietly. Resting involve listening to soothing music, listening to the sea waves or just something that takes our minds off the cares of this world and gives us peace of mind.

When our bodies begin to suffer from lack of rest, we are actually on the verge of braking down. Despite the effectiveness of any medications that we might be taking, our bodies will not be able to respond. Lack of rest will also lead to a serious case of depression. According to David Dunner MD of the University of Washington, in an article on HealthScout: "Eighty percent of patients with depression come to the doctor with exclusively physical symptoms."

In 25 years of medical practice I've never had a patient who said they were depressed, although thousands have met the criteria. I've had patients say, 'I think I may need Paxil. When I say, 'Oh, you think you might be depressed?' they say, 'Oh, no.' They can never bring themselves to say the word."

We will seek to hide from the simple fact at times when we feel weak and depressed that all our body is asking us for is simply rest. At times when we feel miserable with the world and nothing seem to be going our way we can always take a breather.
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