What Others Have To Say...

E-Mail me if you would like to add your comments here!!
"I just wanted to let you know how much I am enjoying your contest. The theme ideas are fresh and fun. The site is beautiful and I love the way you go the extra mile to display the winners. You are so talented, I just had to let you know that your work is appreciated . Thanks and keep up the good work. Reagan's Theme World has become my favorite contest."
-Aeriss's Mommy

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "Brandi and Reagan: What a wonderful photo contest you run here! Its great! The themes are wonderful and exciting. Updated often which is a plus! Reagan's Theme World is my Most Favorite FPC out there! Brandi you are super talented in your webdesign skills-the outcome-a beautiful website! You go outta your way to make sure ever child is recognized and with that it makes me love you even more! I will continue to enter Courtney in your photo contest as long as its around! Great Job! Hope your here to stay!"
~Dawn: Courtneys Mommy

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "Brandi, had to tell you how cool the before and after/ my teeth page looks.
You have out done yourself again.
Thanks for all the hard work."

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "we really enjoy your contest!"
Leslie - Jorian's Mommy

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "We love entering into your contest,always lots of fun"
Anjanette and Graciela

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "I AM SO GLAD YOU GOT YOUR SITE RUNNING AGAIN IT IS ONE OF MY FAVORITES!!!"
Valerie & baby Adam

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "I think you run a terriffic contest! It is one of my favorites!!!!!"

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "Just letting you know that I don't think you send out too many news letters. It's nice to know what's going on. I wouldn't worry about it to much..."

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "I love your contest, your ideas are always different and somewhat challenging. I do have trouble accessing the page probably 60% of the time which makes it hard to enter. But I would not unsubscribe, I love the contest and the newsletters are great helps me know what new themes are up since I can't access the site. "
Trudy Sladek

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "I think that you run a fair contest and I enjoy entering my daughter in it. I think you do a wonderful job!!!"
Jennie & Natalia

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "I have just started entering my 21 month old daughter into contests and I love your theme contest."
Amy, Kirk & Amber

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "I would enter more but the site is always down when I go to go in. Geocities for ya! lol But I totally understand that it's not YOUR fault! Sorry, I have no idea why people would leave your awseom contest!!!"
James,Giselle, Caleb & Christian

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "I love your contest and wouldn't unsubscribe, but a thought on why some people might is because your site is always busy. The only time i can get on it is after 10 pm, and by then I normally miss out on the new themes. I still keep on the list! I won't leave, but it' s just a thought on to why maybe some people leave????? Keep up the good work! And I don't think you send out too many news letters, I send out about the same and haven't had one unsubscribe yet....."

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "Hi Brandi, We absolutely love your site!! My frustration is that your site is usually down whenever I try to get in and see the new themes and end up not being able to enter any pics. Maybe sending a list of the new themes in an email might help a bit too. But we love your contest. "

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "We love your contest!!!!"
Phillip, Adryan and Wendy

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "Hi Brandi,
I'd like to say THANK YOU for sharing Reagan's milestones with us. Especially about the sleeping bit. Mia is 14 mths old and she's sleeping in our bed half of the night. I'll put her in her cot in the early part of the night. She'll wake up sometime at night looking for me. All she wants is to hold my hand or for me to rub her face. But I can't be standing by the cot the entire night, so I take her to bed for the easy way out. Maybe I will try your trick with Reagan. We'll see if that will work. Thanks again, Brandi!"
Wishing you a wonderful day!
Lin & Mia Lateefa ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~