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H.H. the Dalai Lama said:

"We must draw lessons from the experiences we gained. If we look back at the last century, the most devastating cause of human suffering has been the culture of violence in resolving differences and conflicts. The challenge before us, therefore, is to make this new 21st century a century of dialogue when conflicts are resolved non-violently. In human societies there will always be differences of opinions and interest. However, the reality today is that we are all inter-dependent and have to co-exist with one another on this small planet. As a result, the only sensible and intelligent way to resolving differences and clash of interests today, whether between individuals, communities or nations, is through dialogue in the spirit of compromise and reconciliation. We need to research, develop and teach this spirit of non-violence and invest in these efforts as much resources as we do for military defense."

This quote is from a statement His Holiness made on March 10, 2002 on the 43rd Anniversary of The Tibetan National Uprising Day.

Think about how this applies in your own personal life. Make changes accordingly.

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