Those internal sensations of the body that we interpreted as emotions are resulting of a complex interrelation of the brain, particularly of the cerebral cortex, that it constitutes the center of the conscious interpretation, the limbic system, that works as compensation position, and of the hipotalamus, that regulates the autonomous nervous system.  

             All those mechanisms  participate in the origin of a psychosomatic disease.  

             A long period of emotional tension can cause serious alterations that make a path to the disease.

             People that frequently suffer of peptic ulcers  feels lack of affection and affection.  

             Some cancer types the frustration feelings and despair are associated.  

             In the women, the blame feeling and fear they can hinder the menstruation, the sexual relationships and the childbirth.  

             In the men, the resentment in relationship the women can result in impotence and sterility.  

             The Heart and the circulatory System are especially vulnerable to the emotional stress, which a lot of times recruitment the arterial hypertension, palpitations, arrhythmias and heart diseases caused by the emotions.  

             Many other pathologies  have been studied and understood with relationship to the psychological mechanisms that they acted in its origin,  the more known in general by the population are: asthma, headaches, tension migraines,menstrual syndrome, anguish of the menopause, allergic disturbances, psoriase, eczemas, diabetes, hipertireoidismo, chronic pain that doesn't give the routine medication, pain in the cancer associated to depressive feelings, colitis , arthritis, lupus, etc. 

             In spite of the increase of  disturbances related with the stress of the actual life, the psychosomatic medicine is still not very the people's acquaintance in general, although it already counts today with certain popularization for the communication  especially the television, that has been getting the attention for the stress as cause of the diseases and shown several treatment forms

Psychosomatic Medicine