mcmoon.jpg (6981 bytes) Sailor Chibi Moon mcmoon.jpg (6981 bytes)

Sailor Chibi Moon dividing the page for me!

Name: Reni Tsukino

Japanese Name: Chibi Usa

Blood Type: O

Favorite Animal(s): ??? (e-mail me if you know)

Favorite Subject: Art

Least Favorite Subject: Language

Favorite Food: Pancakes

Least Favorite Food: ???  (e-mail me if you know)

Attacks: Pink Sugar Heart Attack! Moon Twinkling Halation! Moon Gorgeous Meditation! Double Moon Kick!

Transformations: Moon Crises Make-UP!

Favorite Color(s): Pink, Red

Birthday: June 30

Eye Color: Red

Hobbies: Arguing with Serena

Sign: Cancer

Hair Color: Pink

Age: 6-9

Boyfriend: Peruru

Sailor Chibi Moon dividing the page for me!

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