NYC Actors

Rita Frazier -AFTRA SAG Click here
Preston Handy -AEA AFTRA SAG Click here
Claudene Neysmith -AFTRA SAG Elig. Click here
Ray Normandeau -AFTRA SAG Click here
Irma St. Paule -AEA AFTRA SAG Click here

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Look for Rita Frazier on "Chappelle's Show"
Comedy Central, [Series/Comedy, 30 Mins.].
She's in many episodes including talking about
Mr Ed the Talking Horse and in another episode called
"TIME HATERS", sitting on a porch. Rita is also on "Chappelle's Show" DVD Season One Episode #108 [8].

"Light Sleeper", with Susan Sarandon and Willem Dafoe, recently aired on
Channel 55 with Ray Normandeau as the French Speaking Chef.
Find "Light Sleeper" now in video stores. RENT IT. Keep those residual checks rolling in!.

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