The Archbarony of Ratik

Former Home Page for the Living Greyhawk Campaign Region of Ratik

Ratik is Returning!

The Living Greyhawk region of Ratik will be available for play once again from October 2006. This time it encompasses a wider real world region than just Hawaii, including Japan and parts of Australia and New Zealand. See the new Ratik website for more information.

Final Update to This site: 03DEC2003
Ratik no longer exists as a region in the Living Greyhawk campaign.

That is not to say that the land mass itself has been torn asunder from the Flaeness. However, Ratik is no longer a valid home region for Living Greyhawk characters, and as of Winter Fantasy 2004, players living in the state of Hawaii will fall under the jurisdiction of the region of Nyrond.

In the meantime, since it is most likely that all the regional Ratik adventures will never see publication, I am posting all the ones that I wrote to this site as a free pdf download for anyone to peruse. Note that these are NOT valid for Living Greyhawk play, but since I've gotten so many requests for additional information on Ratik from people all over the country and beyond... well, here they are.

For those authors who wrote adventures for our region, I'll see what I can do about getting your modules published as Metaregionals in year 4. Thanks to Greg Dreher, Glyn Dewey, and Jimbo Hurst (who wrote his submission so long ago, that it has been passed through the hard drives of three separate heads of the LG campaign...)

Thanks to all the local players for your support. I'm sorry you won't get a chance to continue playing your LG characters in the plotline I've been working on for so many years, but at least you can read the adventures and see what was going to happen.


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