<BGSOUND src="//www.oocities.org/raokkate2001/ecco.mid" LOOP=INFINITE>
My fiesty first!
My beloved cats!
Pick up a square or two!
My home is furnished somewhat whimsically, with holidays, my beloved cats, my favorite art and more.
I have many and varied interests, including country doll collections, cross-stitch, cooking, reading, making graphics and...coffee and tea.
My book shop and coffee shop are open in the village, my cats' pages have been updated,and my adopt shop is open, so please drop by if you are a return visitor.  This is an awfully large cottage and I'm always rearranging the furniture, so do drop by often.  Meanwhile, click on the menu below, explore and enjoy!

Feed the Hungry!
My first adoptons!
Graphics by  Kate
Some of my favorite Southwestern artists
Visit all there is to see at my village!