Organ Transplantation and Brain Death in Japan

Ralph Seewald

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Graduated from Leyden University and thereafter I did research at the Kyushu Institute of Design, Fukuoka Japan. I'm especially interested in the Japanese beliefs concerning death and bodily remains as they relate to brain death and organ transplant, issues that are for many years the subject of much debate in Japan.

Since 2002-present I am working for an international corporation, but pick up above studies again when I am not playing chess.

  • The Dutch law on the Organ Transplantation (in Japanese)

    Translantion was done by Ralph Seewald and Hiromi Okamoto.Part of the translation is published in Seewald, Ralph. (1998.6) Nihon hoken iryou koudouka gakkai, Vol.13, Oranda no zouki ishokuhou settei to sono haikei (The Japanese Journal of Health Behavioral Science, The social background of the new Dutch law on organ transplantation)

  • Oranda no zouki ishokuhou settei to sono haikei

  • Attitudes toward Organ Transplantation and Brain Death, a survey among Japanese hospital workers

    Ebios Journal of Asian and International Bioethics Vol 10 (3) May 2000

  • The Attitude of Japanese students towards brain death and organ transplantation

    Autumn 2000

  • Japanese Students and Hospital Workers attitude towards Living Organ Donation

    Autumn 2000