Randall  Alan Daughton.

 May 14, 2005

2:29 PM

getting ready for my C_Section.

 In operating room

This is really hurt

and I can felt the pain not a lot. just pinch kinda. They clean him for me And here he is  saying hello to mommy! 
 relaxing. :) Recovery room for 1 hour

after 5 hrs!

Finally he  was hungry after sixteen Hours I look so exhausted coz I am itching all over my body

Big brother Ronald

Alex was overwhelm he got so jealous.

teaching him how hold his small brother. Big brother Gary. Big Brother Alex.
Randy!! he is darker than Alex. 
Now he became daddy's boy!

flowers from Alan and the kids. 




Alan bought me lots of tabloid magazine. 

nday Mercy holding baby Randy.






More pictures!
