Project Profile
Each class/student group will choose a recipe (play dough, finger paint, gak),
choose the color to make the item,
e-mail results and choices to other students,
and then choose a recipe or activity to share with others

Project Links

Student Work

Standards and Benchmarks
The activities on this page will help students achieve a variety of standards including but not limited to W-F4, W-F6

Learning Objectives

* Measure ingredients for a recipe
* Make choices democratically
* Compare and chart results
* Send original recipes to share
Instructional Strategy
The internet connection in my classroom is very slow and not always reliable. I plan on using overhead transparencies, hands-on activities and teacher instruction. The teacher instruction will include making the recipe in class.


Classroom Implementation
I have one connected computer in the classroom. Students will work in groups, taking turns to log information
onto the computer and read comments from other students.

Contact Information
Irene Hammerquist

I took the Savvy Cyber Course created by Stevens Institute of Technology. It was funded through the Alliance Plus Grant awarded by the United States Department of Education and implemented by "Think Tank". Supportive funding was provided by the Nadaburg School District.