Date:  Tue, 1 Feb 2000 06:05:49 EST

Please allow me to introduce myself.  My name is Nancylee Penman, I am 45 
years old and have been a teacher in South Jersey for 23 years.  I teach 
emotionally disturbed high school students.  My heart was touched by the 
terrible tragedy that occur at your school last year.  Please let me explain 
my reason for writing.  My writing partner, Lynn Walters and myself are 
gathering information to write a book for new teachers just out of college.  
We have ask teachers from all over our great country to help us our with this 
survey.  If anyone who reads this is a teacher or could pass this on to a 
teacher at your school, I would be very appreciative.  Here's what we are 
looking for:
Please list the top ten things that you know now, that you wished someone 
would have told you your first year of teaching.  Place them in the order of 
importance to you.  Also, include your years of experience.  We are also 
looking for short stories about students and teachers.  Of course, we will 
give you credit for your work.  If you know anyone at all who would be 
willing to help us out please write me at: or
Thank you so very much for responding to my request.  I have great respect 
for each and every one of you who have so bravely tried to heal and love your 
school so that students and teachers can see the good in all of us. 
Respectfully Yours,
Nancylee Penman, Special Educator,
Atlantic County Special Services School District
1450 19th Street
Mays Landing, NJ 08330

