Subject:  Columbine Memorial
Date:   Sat, 8 Jul 2000 20:58:03 EDT

Hi my name is Jason and I am 18 years old and i live in northeast wisconsin. 
I would just like to send my sympothy to all the families and friends to what 
happened last year. I agree with you on how these schools around the United 
States should have better safety standards. At my school some things are 
being done but what they are doing isnt going to stop another one of these 
incidents because i can see that it would be really easy for one to do so. So 
I would just like to say that what people are doing to help people after what 
happened at Columbine High School is one of the most nicest things I have 
ever seen. And I respect that and lets hope that these sick people are stoped 
so it doesn't happen again.  

  Thank You,      Jason  

