Clouds Of Friends
Circle of friends
Friendship comes hand and hand
Friendship is what makes the world go around
friendship is every where, in a house at a school and even in a band. Friendship is unity, spread Friendship where ever you go
make friends with new people
Friendship is something to cherish
so don't fight with friends and always hear music in your heart
The circle of life is
The circle of friendships,
You make through life,
Give more than you take
And you'll get back more than you give,
That's what Friends are for,
Hold on to the friendships you have
They are very precious

Written by:..Emily... RainbowEmim...7-22-2004
Page Made By RainbowEmim
This is my first webpage
My Grandmother helped me with
You've Got a Friend in Me < Randy Newman & Lyle Lovett >
Thank you so much Baronmom57 for my first Award
Thank you Tracy
Thank you LadyLovesLace711 for my Award
Thank You Lori