Sheru's Home Page


Finally, my own page !


I am Sheru and I am the nottiest dawg in the whole wurl. This is pretty much how I look...

Don't you just love me !

Don't you feel like hugging me !

I am a black and tan, smooth haired dachshund. I am also the proud owner of a hooman beeng called R. He's over 6 feet tall and quite embarrassing to take for a walk. But he loves me a lot and I love him quite a bit. My hooman thinks I am the most beloved chile in the whole wurl. I would have put his picchur here but it would rooin my page as he is quite ugly. He has small ears and lacks a tail. The only thing dachshundie about him is his big nose which I love to lick.

My interests:

I love to go about my house wetting chair legs and fernichur. I also love sleeping in the middle of R's bed. Since his back hurts sleeping on the floor, I let him occupy the edge, but never without a disapproving look.

Let me introduce you to my fren, Dolby. Akchuli I can only sho yu what he looked like, since he has gone to Rainbow Bridge a few months ago. He too was a black and tan dachsie, the rage of the colony we live in... He died at 15, had to be put to sleep due to a liver problem. But he lived life to the brim, until the very end.

I have had the most enjoyable times of my life, tugging at his coat, eating his food, troubling him in every way imajinibble... I miss him a lot today. Life has become very quiet now. This is how I am told he looked when he was small (I wasn't there then).

Dolby - my best friend

What I like about my pet hewman

What I DON'T like about my hewman

Favorite litterachure

I can litter almost anywhere in the house, my hooman duznt object. He is well house-trained.
I like Odie in the Garfield comic. He's kinda cute. But he's not as intellijunt as a dachshund.


I got a noo penfren today. He looks jes like me when I was small. His name is Tito and he is reel cute. Do visit his page, even if to see how I looked when I was tiny. He's a reel cool guy and has his own URL. Gosh !

About us fellers

So you know that we are the greatest things in the Universe, don't you. To know some more about us check this page out. It has everythin you wanned to no about us folks. One final pee of advice, don't ever EVER know any less about dachshunds than anyone in the world. You don't wanna be thawt of as stoopid, do you ?

Well, enough for today ! I haven't had a doze for almost half an hour. Send me mail at

Nov 1, 2003. Note from R.:
Sheru passed away in April 2001. His kidneys failed, it was a very painful passing. We couldnt let him go till he passed away himself. so selfish was our love of him.
Sheru was the most loving, and most loved, of all of God's creatures.
Since his passing, I have not had it in me, to take out his pictures and even see them, let alone have them scanned. However, I intend to someday - I cant leave these fake pictures around.
...(snip) Dolby was also the most loving child, and deeply loved by us. He passed away in 1997.
Both Dolby and Sheru are deeply mourned by us, and hopefully will be rejoined with us, one day when we leave this strange world.
They have always, and will always, live within us.

June 2004. I finally got a scanner, and located a few of Sheru's real pictures. They aren't the best ones, but they're still him.

My hooman's home page (nachurally not as good as mine)

Pitchers of Uncle Dolby