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The Minotaur Litany
"We have been enslaved but have always thrown off our shackles. We have been driven back, but always returned to the fray stronger than before. We have risen to new heights when all other races have fallen into decay. We are the future of Krynn, the fated masters of the entire world. We are the children of destiny."
~ Richard A. Knaak, "Reavers of the Blood Sea"
Wizards of the Coast
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Dragonlance Webring
-Kamax de-Orilg
This site was created with Yahoo!Pagebuilder and Paintshop Pro 4.
This site is owned and operated by Kamax. The Minotaur Isles was established July 1999, copyright 2002. Images created by Kamax are Kamax's property, further reproduction without Kamax's consent is prohibited. Such images include all title banners and all but two banners, where The Minotaur Isles has complied with WoTC policy, in that only two DRAGONLANCE® images are used on this entire site.
This site is solely for the enjoyment of D&D / Dragonlance fans and their like, and will always be for non profit purposes. 
This site provides information and full and or optional rules on playing D&D3e and AD&D2e as non standard character races, as well as unofficial feats, magic items, etc.
This is not an official Wizards of the Coast website. The author is not affiliated nor endorsed by Wizards of the Coast.

In no way should the information on this site be seen as official WoTC information.
This site requires the viewer to possess the Dungeons and Dragons® Player's Handbook (Second or Third Edition), Dungeons Masters Guide and the Monster Manual, all of which are published by Wizards of the Coast®.

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