Paramount/Viacom yada, nada, nada. Pond challenge - write a short J/C 'canon' last scene for Voyager.

And...Fade to Black

Author: Turtlewoman
Date: 11/00
Rating: G, J/C


      Chakotay slid the last of a huge pile of datapads over to his, at least for the next few minutes, Captain. "That's the last of it Captain. Once you approve this report, the Odyssey of the Starship Voyager will officially come to an end."

      "And not a moment too soon." She replied stretching her arms above her head and arching her back in an effort to loosen tight and aching muscles.

      He watched her with fond and bemused appreciation, then stood to take his leave. "That's it then. I guess there is nothing left to do but beam down."

      "Did B'Ellana write up that last enhancement to the warp flow?"

      "That was the first report we reviewed." He turned again to leave. "Well, good-by then."

      "Oh that's right." She looked up at his retreating back. "Chakotay. Has the Doctor's official statement on sentient status and ownership certificate for the mobile emitter been delivered?"

      He stopped and turned back toward her. "We did that together. Yesterday. Anything else?"

      "No, no. Everything else seems complete."

      "Then I'll leave. Good-by again."

      "Good-by then." She watched as he turned and walked to the door. "Chakotay, did we…"

      He stopped and sighed in frustration. "We've done everything. We've made reports right on down to the number of broken fingernails we've had. We've shut down the warp drive. We've unplugged the cleaner-bots and shut off the water. Now!" he said walking back toward her. "Do you want to let me go or not, Kathryn?"

      She looked at him for a long time, her eyes luminous, wet and somewhat startled. Then she stood and walked over to him. Placing her hand on his chest she whispered, "No. No, I really don't want to let you go."

      "And....Fade to black."

C'est fini

Love, Turtlewoman


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