What is P2P?
Who Are The PAC
P2P Benefits
P2P Brochure
Success Stories
“Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adip iscing elit. Curabitur velit. Fusce et nulla. In diam. In ullamcorper. Aliquam lacinia pede vel sem.”
Leanne Graham. Enprise.
Read the full story

Learn how Enprise Solutions, a New Zealand based partner, has achieved global success by utalising P2P!

Read full story [140k]

Welcome to that place: SAP PartnerEdge P2P Network
SAP PartnerEdge P2P is a global, online business network for SAP partners. Independently run by SAP’s Partner Advisory Council, it is ‘the’ place to go to promote your organisation and develop profitable partnerships.

Create your profile today!
As an existing SAP partner, you are automatically eligible to join the P2P network. Better still, you already have a microsite assigned to you, where you can promote your organisation, solutions and services to SAP partners, customers and employees.

Joining is a one-off process, it’s free and it’s easy.
You just need to fill in a profile form, which then becomes the one form you will use to manage your profile across all SAP websites. You’ll also receive a single sign-on ID that you can use to access all SAP websites – including [xxx], [xxx] and [xxx].

Start collaborating straightaway
Once you’ve joined the P2P network and created your profile, you can set up your microsite to promote your organisation, products and services. You can also look for other partners who can help you, and start to interact and collaborate with them to grow your business. Creating your profile and microsite will also allow other partners with business opportunities to find you.

Accumulate Value Points for extra benefits
The more you participate in the P2P network, the more Value Points you will accrue. Accumulating Value Points enables you to progress to a higher Partner Level and access additional benefits such as increased discounts.

Run by partners, for partners
The P2P network is designed with your needs in mind. It is managed by the Partner Advisory Council, a group of 18 volunteer SAP partners from around the world. We act as an interface and a communication channel with SAP, ensuring that partners’ voices are heard, and that SAP is providing the tools, information and resources you need.

More Information
For more information about partnering with SAP, and about the P2P network, please view our FAQ. If you have any questions that are not answered, or need help with any aspect of the PartnerEdge P2P site, please contact [contact details here]. We look forward to seeing you on SAP PartnerEdge P2P: the one place to grow your business!

Collaboration proves the key to growth
for Enprise.

Systec sees revenue shoot up by collaborating. Read more... Intecs branches out with new solutions.
Alpha takes root in new markets with P2P.
Enter P2P

Four simple steps to growth

1. Enter Your Profile
2. Build Your Microsite
3. Begin Collaborating

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