1.Theory of representations of finite groups. Download
2.Course of linear algebra and multidimensional geometry. Download
3.Course of differential geometry. Download
4.Classical electrodynamics and theory of relativity.Download
5.Foundations of geometry for university students and high-school students.Download
6.Quick introduction to tensor analysis. Download

Printing as a book.

In the nearest future I will place here the PDF files especially designed for printing and then assembling the sheets into a book. The table below shows the steps one should do for this purpose.

Step 1. Step 2. Step 3.
Step 4. Step 5. Step 6.

You are assumed to have a laser printer or an ink-jet printer with the upper position of a slot for paper supply. Note also that you should buy the special A4 size paper. The standard US Letter size paper is not suitable for booklet printing.

First of all you print one side of a sheet (Step 1). When rolling through the printer, the sheet terns over so that you need not additionally turn or rotate it. Insert it back to the input slot of the printer and print its second side (Step 2). Then you fold it into halves.

The steps 1 and 2 are repeated until the whole file is printed.

Then the sheets are doled into piles of 8 sheets in each and sewed into separate pads (Step 3 and Step 4). The sewed pads are laid into a pile and glued upon the side (Step 5). Then the hard cover is glued to them (Step 6). However, it is better to perform the last two operations in a book binding workshop.