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How to sew the pieces together.....

1) Place one triangle on opposite ends of the hexagon. If you have a "fussy cut" make sure the pattern is facing the direction you want it to be when finished.
2) Sew across each triangle, using a 1/4" seam allowance. If your pattern is correct, you will have little fabric pieces (I call them "nubbies") that stick out beyond the hexagon. This is a good guide for matching the pieces. Your stitching should cross right at the intersection of the two pieces of fabric. If they don't, either your seam line is too big or too small or your pattern is wrong.
Press the triangles OUT. Be sure to leave the little nubbies that sitck out. You wil be able to use them later as a matching guide..
3) To sew on the third triangle, you must first have the previous triangle pressed out. Then place the third triangle on the next side of the hexagon, using the "nubbies" as a guide to where to place it. Then turn the piece OVER TO THE BACK SIDE. You will sew from the back this time. (Your triangle is under the work)
    Sew from the seam line ONLY, (red arrow) to the edge of the piece. Very important!
Press that triangle open also. Make sure the little "nub" doesn't get caught in the next seam, which will probably be your border in this case. 

Next Sew into rows then sew the rows together

Back to former page for index if you need it.