Mission Statement: 
Through workshops, activism, zines, events and other forums Queen Size Revolution provides education to the community about the dangers of fatphobia.  Queen Size Revolution also provides support and community for fat people and their allies.  Everyone is welcome to join Queen Size Revolution who wants to fight against fatphobia and elminate the tyranny of fat oppression.

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Queen Size Revolution is a grassroots organization founded in Portland in the Spring of 2002. We are individuals of various ages and backgrounds that work together for a goal of fat accpetance.  As we are just starting up, we need your help. If you have time or a talent and would like to make a difference in the life of people of size, please contact us.

Queen Size Revolution is open to all.  Fat oppression does not just affect fat people.  Everyone in our society is affected by fatphoboa.  The diet industry is a 40 billion dollar industry.  Imagine if all the time and money that went into dieting went towards social change.  We could have a whole new happier world.  Find out how you can be an

Anyone can fight the everyday fatphobia that persists in our society.  This can be done by joining Queen Size Revolution, educating yourself about these issues, speaking out in your community and much more. 
Find out more!