Membership Information
MOMS Club of Quartz Hill/Lancaster, California
Goals and Principles/Chapter Information
Membership Information/Activities Information
Site Map

Contact Us
Why Should I Join?
Why Should I Join?
How Do I Join?
How Do I Join?
Our activities and meetings are held during the day when Moms need the most support.
Our club provides a great way to meet other at-home moms in your area who share your interests and concerns.
If you are a stay-at-home Mom, WE are the club for you!

We represent a wide variety of Mommys - some that have lived in the Antelope Valley for years and some that are new to the area; some with years of experience and some that are very new to the world of motherhood!  We are a great group who love and support one another through this wonderful adventure of parenting! 
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The club, and the friends you will make, will provide a wonderful support system.
We provide activities that enrich our lives and the lives of our children.
Being a mother should NOT isolate you from the world!
Last Updated 3/4/08
The annual dues for our club are only $25 which are used exclusively to pay for our club expenses and projects.  Please come and check us out at our Members Meetings (held the 4th Wednesday of every month).  You may attend two meetings before your decision to join. 

Membership is open to all stay-at-home mothers, mothers who work part-time, or mothers who work at home. 

If you decide you are interested in joining, you may either:

1) contact us via e-mail by
clicking here,
2) call our Membership Vice-President at (661) 308-1009, or
3) mail a check made out to: The MOMS Club of Quartz Hill/Lancaster, P.O. Box 3143, Quartz Hill, CA 93586.

WE look forward to hearing from you!

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