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Ready to earn it/ Im ready to train
Name: Joseph Davis
Need Energy? Natural Supplement -
Cutting Gel
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Form always counts!
Whether it's cutting corners in cardio,dropping anchor in aerobics,or overstacking in weight training.
True form = RESULTS!
anything else = cheating yourself!
Don't be a fish out of water.
Knowing how to set up a proper diet.Not eating just once a day, starving yourself, eating just fruits and vegtables or even just meats. But having a well balanced, well portioned diet in frequencys that help your body. Knowing  what supplements to take for your health and desired outcomes.
And knowing how to exercise and what exercises you should do.Knowing these things, keep you working in the right direction.

Ever watch a fish swimming through the water?With ease it moves it's body through the water gracefully.Take that fish & drop him on the weight pile and those same movements won't get him much of anywhere.
That is because his body movements were designed to propel him through the water & not on land. Our bodies are genetically designed to function in a specific manner. You get on the weight pile & start pushing more weight than you can truely handle,or using incorrect form you are just being the fish out of water.
It's not how much weight you can push,or pull.It's how much you can work with that counts.