The web site of the videogame PunkTM

Copyright © 2000 Roman Leonel Arce
PunkTM is a trademark owned by Roman Arce.

Download full version of Punk for free

Or buy if here:

Screen Shots: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
Monster Pics

Contact: Email: romanarce adding gmaildotcom or MSN: qmromanarce adding hotmaildotcom

Use mouse and keyboard:
The game is controlled with both the mouse and the keyboard, some things like moving are done only with the keyboard using the arrow keys and shooting the weapons is done with the ctrl key while others like clicking on switches to open doors are done only with the mouse. For more details just take a look at the section "credits and information" in the main menu (it's a very simple short text to read).