

LILITH is a mythical woman from the Hebraic tradition.
She was a co-creation of God along with Adam. But
when the Father God ordered her to submit to the
rule of the male Adam, she refused, and rebelled,
and was replaced by Eve. She was expelled from Eden,
consorted with demons, became depraved and hereafter
was feared and demonized as a nocturnal succubus. Now
some modern feminist revisons of this myth see her as
a victim of the patriarchal tradition. Now she is the
iconic eternal strong first womam, a free spirit.

life within

What is this mythical Lilith?
Is a myth just a lie? Or a narrative to explain
the mother of nature, and the nature of human life?
Go figure.

This LILLIAN, qlilith, has her own life.
See the links and explore her eccentric likings.

~~~L I N K S~~~

Aries' Photo Albums
a Georgia O'Keeffe Gallery
Mary Magdalena on-line Shrine
a Femme Hall of Fame
The Poemstead pages
Ms.Sevend's pictures page
a LILITH starting point
poetry of LILITH
LILITH:myth & Woman
LILITH: the succubus (adult)
Ms.Lillian: an auto-bio
Most Wanted Women