
Paradox: a statement that is seemingly contradictory or opposed to common sense and yet is perhaps
true;  an argument that apparently derives self-contradictory conclusions by valid deduction from acceptable premises.

Definitions from: WWWebster's on-line dictionary

It is obvious that the true nature of material reality is  beyond the capacity of our minds to grasp and we must resign ourselves to accept paradoxical scientific theories. How much more paradox will be encountered in metaphysics when it tries to describe the Eternal?  The nature of light is a good example of a scientific paradox

Science shows that light is a particle and a wave; that  is, it has attributes of both. But is it possible to imagine something which is at the same time a particle and a wave? Unless your imagination is much better than mine, I think you must answer no. Light must be something unimaginable which is neither particle nor wave yet has attributes of both. This is a paradox.

Now, when one tries to understand the eternal, it is only natural that the mind which is conditioned to the temporal material world will not be able to avoid paradox. When these ideas are then put into language, removing them one step further from the thing itself, the situation is even more tentative. How inadequte are our tools.

As a consequence, metaphysics is prone to contradictions; this is unavoidable. So, while I try my best not to contradict myself in these pages, ultimately my efforts are in vain. I hope though that this little section here will help the reader to understand what contradictions are "acceptable" as paradox; that is, those which are based on the impossibility of comprehending, let alone describing the Eternal.

Note: I realize that the idea of paradox can be abused to justify ridiculously contradictory dogmas. I hope the reader will accept that I am sincere in my efforts here, and that my brooching of the term is only intended to make my writing more comprehensible, not as an attempt to hoodwink. I have no hidden agenda (yet) and no reason to want to hoodwink anyone even if I could.