While students rarely look forward to money, they are a very necessary part of the earning process.  Examinations require a complete review of the subject as a whole, which is essential to final understandig.  They test the students' ability to learn and to remember.  Students are able to gauge their ability to think rapidly and accurately uder stress.
Overcome examination-anxiety by being prepared--if you have done areasonable amount of work and have average learning capacity you are going to pass.
Make a  of available hours of study study should begin two or three weeks before the actual exam).  Allow youself 20 to 40 minutes for each study session, depending upon the subject difficulty.  Stick to this timetable.
the subject as a whole immediately prior to the exam.  The learning should have been done previously.
Know exactly what work is to be covered by the examination.  Review main facts, general rulesprinciples of the subject.
During your study and examination period, get plenty of sleep.
Get some relief from the strain of studying by exercise and relaxation.
he Examination Day

Before going to an examination, be sure you have your pens, pencils, eraser, and any other instruments needed.
Be sure of the exact time and locaton of the exam--be there at least ten minutes ahead of the starting time.
At the beginning of the exam, extimate the length of time each question should take, according to its size and value.
Read the questions carefully.  Underline key words.  Be sure you understand clearly the meaning of each question.
Always select the easiest question first while you are fresh--avoid the frustration of not being able to do a difficult question at the very beginning.
Before answering an individual question, it is often a good idea to make a rough outline first, whith headings.  This helps to make your answers orderly, systematic, and neat.
Answer what is asked.  Do not pas you answer with unnecessary details, but be sure that you answer all that is asked, not just part of the question.
Try to leave a few minutes at the end of the exam to read and correct your answers.  Additional information will often come to mind and can be added if you have left space between the questions.
          The contents of this site do not necessarily represent the ideas or thoughts of the webmaster.  These instructions are not designed to actually guide your business to success.  If you do follow this plan, do not give any credit to this site.

Sure-Fire Business Plan

  1. Invent Something

    1. Find Some Geniuses

      1. Look for Intelligent-Sounding Names in:

        1. Victoria, BC Phone Book
        2. IBM Research Labs Lay-Off Roster
        3. "Nanothechnology Today" Subscriber List

      2. Send Friends to Look in:

        1. Some Big Libraries
        2. UBC Dorms
        3. McDonald's

    2. Hire Them to Design and Build It

      1. Take Out a Loan
      2. Wave Cash Under Their Noses
      3. Rent a Big House with a Lab in the Back

  2. Market It Big Time

    1. Run Lots of TV Ads
    2. Open a Web Site
    3. Rake In the Green

How to Win at Golf.

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