Defending a noble cause

By: Steve Reve JR
I wonder if it were really necessary, for some people, to express their freedom through stepping on others’ freedoms. Your freedom, my dear, is guaranteed by the fact that you don’t transgress mine. So if you want to keep free doing whatever you like and expressing whatever idea that passes by your mind, you have to escort your freedom by keeping my freedom untouched otherwise neither of us will live in freedom.

Those people who just took their pencils to express their "freedom" by ridiculing the very essence and reason d’être of other people are not free inside. They suffer marginalization in the very sentimental sense of the 'world' as well as the in the business sphere. Why exactly the prophet of mankind? Do they have no one to "caricature" all along more than 1500 years? Isn’t the world nowadays full of live caricatures? Have those ‘caricaturists’ ever had a sense of art and imagination at all? Or perhaps freedom for them is to be stupid enough to be unable to make the difference between art and filth? I personally think that the ones who should be respected the most are those prophets and apostles that preached nobility, friendliness with their creator. Adam, Abraham, Moses, Jesus Christ and Mohammad, may peace be upon them all, are the only human beings that deserve respect unless we are not respectful ourselves.

Where did those "artists" get that dirty idea from? Who inspired them? Who makes them get so aggressive towards a nation of more than a billion people? The westerners have to ask such questions to have a clear view of what is happening around them. The peaceful Muslim dragon is having a siesta, please don’t disturb! Many fake leaders encourage the freedom of expression to hurt others. They adopt a dim approach to defining and dealing with freedom. Suppose someone has made a caricature about Moses or Jesus? What will happen? I guess nothing will happen in the western world because the poor common people in the west have their brain washed regularly until they have nothing to care about, no dignity, no honesty, no grace, no bravery and, briefly, no principles. Only Muslims could defend Moses and Jesus in the way they are now defending their Holly prophet Mohammad (pbuh). Westerners cannot admit that the Muslims have respect for all the prophets and apostles without exception. They know for sure and acknowledge that only Muslims are the sensible people on this planet because they have some norms and values to defend and die for. They tried hard to make of them an enemy, but -to my mind- they are going astray. They are digging their own tombs, literally speaking. They are making themselves useless because they cannot defend any of the noble principles of Man. At least Muslims are so decent that they cannot say blasphemy against any of the reverent prophets. Their spirituality is more prominent than that those vacant walking bodies have. Most of those who try to dirty Islam are envious and malicious because they lack the audacity to declare that they are human beings. In fact they aren’t and they are starting to head for degeneration.

Is it high time we got ready for a civilization clash? They want to make it so, so let it be so. Imagine two people fighting each other. One of them is doing that because someone behind him cannot do that and paid him a lot of money to do the battle for him. Whereas the other fighter is involved in that war because, on one hand, he was forced to do so; on the other because he believes that his destiny passes by that fight, if he won he would savor the flavor of victory, but if he died he will go to heaven where he will dwell blissful forever. Who do you think will be more enthusiastic to make the battle?

Finally, the term "Freedom of Expression" has never been cursing and making fun of others’ emblems and spiritual symbols. If this has been the case, Muslims will lose a lot because they are the only ones who are doomed to protect the noble values and they cannot make fun of any of the others’ values because Islam forbids hurting the others. However, the others who have constantly been breast-fed hatred and disrespect for everything will eventually have nothing to hurt them or allure them to get angry and furious. If you cannot defend noble causes, you don’t have the chance to be a human being. As the old saying goes, “The dogs bark while the caravan is heading for its destination”. It is not the barking of a handful of tiny rabid dogs that will make a caravan made of thousands of camels cease progressing.


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