
Family Trials



The Year of Self
Doubly making sure making all rest count Yahoo Canada News with the first 5 Headlines. 

This is your first index page.  To the users of this Constructive Projects 2006 who start to show a profit.  Under no obligation.

To Read: account - any amount is a significant amount for Work/Learn for the Very Deprived.
Build your own WebSite
One per server only
Free until you make money.

First Here, Joint Account
We keep track of the visitors
We keep tabs on the ads cost
You owe nothing until you make money.

If you find this ad anywhere else, tell me - give out the site, their email address and you could win something he never was able to give you.  Make sure its not before you read this.  Make sure its not before January 27, 2006. 

He may have had that site but his advertising was very poor. Have anyone made any money without paying/investing/contributing in it first?
We are the leading site for Constructive Projects 2006.

Where all sites are built to make money thus show a result or its profit.

We don't guarantee your income, or what you put in.  We don't give you false hope.

We don't even try to reform your ideas with suggestions.

You're not making any money but decide or opt to open for suggestions, if & when available?  We can discuss your needs and make them come forward if applicable.

Since we don't have any set topics or any big disqualifying subjects, we could decide to remove any contents should a totally negative reaction come out of it.  Many out there use the word racism/discriminatory.  I don't - still learning the language spoken by many.
When DO Suggestions really become valuable.
After a good list of users and self-erected sites.  We could can then evaluate where it may suit both parties to modify any or some of your specified designs. 

On your approval (ALWAYS remember we don't make money until you make money) we can look at all aspects of the sales and the projection from your website.

Certain Products will then be made available for your consideration.  Still under that same MOTTO, of you make money first before we see anything.

Select from Construction Sites meeting age, gender and subject - Kits starting here at the age of 3.5 years old.   A kid already did it.  Many will be able to copy that kid.  his daughter Senna was the bright light behind his website.  Ask for UpTownGirl.
Self 2006  Projects Realisation America
Im willing to find out how far i can walk alone.
Im willing to find out the distance and the profit
Im willing to find out #1 & #2 to figure it out all by myself, the cost of entrepreneurship.

We are here to guide only when needed.
What you see here - can only be changed by the administration.  What we have here is the tail gating of your business and personal ventures.  We keep sending ads for you and we keep tabs of your records. 

Financial Plans are available upon request.

And they all start with the same condition. You make money, we make money.  Not one cent before that.

How can we do that?  When the servers get together under ONE label, its a concept of its own.  That's how.

Many Search Engines?  This ONE concept only has one.  If it doesn't figure in theirs, we will modify it.

How it could look easy and really be easy.
Related topic together.  I.E. Retailers
Location I.E.  your city
Name the city, name a retailer, name a product under a generic. we show you a list.  Such as liquor commissions.  We show you, the city you're in plus all the addresses available.  Outside locations, go Internet Web or Internet U.S. or Internet Canada or Internet Central America.

We do the pinpointing for you.  We ask the Internet to process your request.