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This Web Portal will not be successful if its not for all the support given by these people. I wish to thank them personally though, that is why this page is initiated just for all my supportive friends. Thank you for being there when I needed you guys most! ;)

Thank you for sharing your thoughts and may God bless you all! :)

Life's Short - Play Hard ! 

pikachu - 12/05/00 15:16:10
My Email:morningsun@hotmail.com
Thank you for extending the invitation. I love really those Mount Kinabalu photos. Been there twice and we had hell of a great time. Well, keep those photos coming and I might just contribute mine. See ya later...yahoo chat!!!

mercedez - 11/17/00 13:23:12
My Email:merzd@usa.net
Howdie mate, made quite a wave with this sort of thing... you know what I mean. Glad you invite me. Love it. Wait till mine complete and we compare ok.

Sally Teh - 07/06/00 14:57:19
My Email:tehsally@hotmail.com
Contact Number: 019-6217217
Well done ! Dennis, thanks for all the photos. It really let us recall back all the sweet moments that we shares together. So, do you intend to organise a gathering ? It was great to know you people. Hope to hear from you guys soon.

rocky - 06/27/00 06:56:24
My Email:rocky@cmm.canon.com.my
Contact Number: 019-3621663
the first music was rather funny.......

ALLAN CHOY - 06/27/00 00:47:48
My Email:allan@cmm.canon.com.my
Contact Number: 744 6079
Hi Dennis Awesome!! Great homepage & great layout . I haven't really started work on mine yet. Will start working on it soon. Mind if I get some pointers from you if I need assistance? Will keep ya posted when mine is updated. Cheerio! Allan

rocky - 06/26/00 07:08:58
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/rocky_loot/rocky'shomepage/
My Email:rocky@cmm.canon.com.my
Contact Number: 019-3621663
Great work you hava done on your site, hope to see more pictures in the near futures......pls keep it up.Kanbate...

Steve - 06/23/00 00:04:11
My Email:steven_law2000@hotmail.com
Contact Number: you know lah..
Yo Yo Dennis !! Very cool site with lovely background music. It's really fantastic & I love it man. Keep up the good stuffs..

critters - 06/08/00 23:23:08
gosh...tremendous changes since last visit. kip up the work boy :>

chewei - 05/30/00 14:44:00
My URL:http://www6.50megs.com/chewei/index.html
My Email:angielau@yahoo.com
great homepage....nice photos....A JOB WELL DONE ! visit mine as well !

ismasuti - 05/29/00 08:41:41
My Email:ma_xu79@hotmail.com
Contact Number: none
not bad ,nice !

Chris - 05/27/00 02:45:46
My Email:whatwhat2@hotmail

azienoor - 05/23/00 12:40:02
My Email:azienoor@yahoo.com
Contact Number: 012-6561060
cool - dennis when our second gathering!!!!!!!!

Lai Fook Ming - 05/22/00 13:55:37
My Email:fmlai@hotmail.com
Contact Number: 013-6215815
cool !!! keep on the fantastic job but , why dont have my photo ....... haha

waiaik - 05/20/00 02:56:41
My Email:waiaik@tm.net.my
Contact Number: 0123825392
Well done man!

eve - 05/19/00 15:56:37
My Email:eve75@lovemail.com
Contact Number: 09179439067(philippines/globetelecom)

Soo Wai Han - 05/19/00 05:48:11
My Email:whsoo@usa.net
Contact Number: 03-6343344
Wow... Dennis, this is really amazing!!! I like the backgound music very much. And the photos are just fantastic (although some are quite dark, didn't show off my fairness ;-P) !!! You have really captured the "glory" !!! They brought back sweet memories. . about the time we crazily chased after "stars" (snap, snap, snap), always kept ourselves updated with news on "free stuffs" & "stars' whereabouts" (so "prihatin" ;-) ), and the excitement of sneaking out during working hours (not my intention... I was j st following you all... hehehe...), etc..etc..etc.. And the greatest thing of all is knowing friends like you all (too many to mention here)... Dennis, thanks for keeping us in touch all this while (with all those "fwd" mails).

dutchbrat - 05/18/00 14:27:24
wow what a site. xtreamly cool i say!!! will send u mine. wait for my mail. :)

Syntax - 05/15/00 15:37:13
dude, this site rocks man! nice job....it looks liek u took sometime into thinking what to make of the page, again very good man! it's better than mines!! LoL!

Diamondcouch - 05/11/00 22:42:34
My Email:dean@usa.net
Hei.great pics, wish i were there to share the same glory. Drop by Y! g-chat for more tips :> Drop me an email for more...byeiii.

Chelsea Woo - 05/11/00 13:44:21
My Email:chels@maxis.net.my
:O ;) :) That says it all...I'm just simply suprised...winked...happy too. Gosh, am I looking shy in those pics. Don't exposed who am I ok.

BJ - 04/21/00 07:51:01
My URL:http://www.reindel.com/
My Email:bunnaone@yahoo.com
It's a good start for a Web Site Powerelite. If you ever need any advice from a "HTML Code Warrior", just drop me an e-mail. I would be more than happy to help you out in your quest for greatness.

ismasuti (diana) - 11/04/99 10:20:22
My Email:ma_xu79@hotmail.com
Contact Number: none
nice to look

Melanie - 10/05/99 15:34:30
My Email:mel80@yahoo.com

Audrey Shue - 09/21/99 13:24:45
My Email:audrey75@email.com
Hey...something new! Some add-on hah. ;) Things here are great. Havin' fun with the guys here, espc. my room mate Connie. Don't worry, I'll let her know ur existance. Want her pics? :)

07/27/99 09:34:11

Name: Girls of ICQ

My URL: Visit Me

My Email: Email Me

Cool page. Thanks for letting me sign your guestbook

trixie20 - 03/13/99 19:55:33
My Email:mary_michellenb@hotmail.com
Now i've signed it as i promised..... I really is beautiful........

evelyn pino - 03/13/99 16:57:38
My Email:eve75@usa.net
Contact Number: ????????????later
ur home page was a very nice one! also the pictures..............tell me more about ur self , i like to communicate u more........pls. try to send me a mail coz i have to leave now, ok. i'll wait for it. bye eve

Andy How Wee Teck - 02/22/99 10:29:19
My Email:wthow@tm.net.my
Contact Number: 603-4228688
long time never call me ! HA! Anyway wishing you happy chinese New Year , The Year of Rabbit. By the way have you send this(your handwork) to Miss Wai Han , if not i have her number..... by the way , do you have ham sap picture for me to download neh naked one..

joanna - 02/16/99 17:47:10
My Email:joannaogh@yahoo.com
Contact Number: 03-7157419

Fione - 02/15/99 20:13:30
My Email:fione18@hotmail.com
well done!

Aryanne Tan - 02/15/99 18:00:50
Hei cool!!! I'll b back in a months time. b there 4 me ya. Me missed u guys lot. Here's a bit cozy - hope ur here. :* Gong Xi Fatt Choyyyyyyy!!!!!!

Christy - 02/06/99 15:27:44
My Email:christy_pw@hotmail.com
it's nice homepage !! i like it

ma. angela villanueva - 02/04/99 06:13:47
My Email:ligc@infinet.com.ph
Comments: Yum...

Diana - 12/29/98 00:59:22
My Email:Tazlover20@hotmail.com
hey.. thanks for all the jokes and everything you have been sending.... i thought i would check out your page....it's cool.. :) talk to you later

cfchan - 12/19/98 14:58:04
My Email:cfchan@janis.or.jp
Contact Number: 0081268248681

Yan Ping - 12/17/98 04:14:07
My Email:yanpingtan@hotmail.com
Contact Number: 03-6369130@6366052

Chow Wai Quin - 12/15/98 02:42:21
My Email:wqchow@hotmail.com
Contact Number: 03-6369594
Wow, can't believe it. Well done.

ridzuan moktar - 11/25/98 15:51:36
My Email:rees90@hotmail.com
Contact Number: 016-2727045
this is cool men....can you put any other picture...can you???? buy the way thanksss mennnnnnn c u again..

Phoebe - 11/19/98 14:50:12
Wow, it will definitely bring sweet memories to all of us dudes. Hei, I heard something new is coming up...don't worry, I 'll be BACK!!!!!!!! :*

AZIENOOR - 11/03/98 05:07:19
My Email:azienoor@yahoo.com
Contact Number: 03 - 2923196 (0)
Adiosssss, Well Done, Cool. Keep in touch.....:)

David Lin - 10/27/98 06:53:23
My Email:davidck@hotmail.com
Contact Number: 017-8744305
well done!!! thanx for all ur effort... u have show everyone that u do put up an effort!! keep it up!!! c ya buddy...

judy lim - 10/27/98 05:10:17
My Email:face_71@hotmail.com
great page me dear boy...thanks for coming up with such a cool idea...your links r great as well...keep up the good work u cheeky boy! see ya around sometime eh? take care and ciao for now!! :)

Andrew Charles - 10/24/98 16:39:33
Contact Number: 03-7333377
Great stuff. Keep it up! In the meantime don't forget to keep in touch.Best of luck in all you do.

Deric & Janet - 10/23/98 01:26:00
My Email:dericng@netscape.net
Contact Number: 019-3216786
Well Done.. Dennis!Great Job ...

Yee Lib Teen - 10/22/98 14:53:05
My Email:cennic_22@hotmail.com
Contact Number: 03-5422280
Well done, Dennis! Glad that you have something so special for us (IT Transport Operator). To be frank, i had spend simply a great & sweet time with you guys during the XVI Commonwealth Games. Nice to know you guys (of course especially you, Dennis :) FRI NDSHIP FOREVER.....

June - 10/22/98 08:37:04
My Email:june@hey.to
Contact Number: 1100-617-46366017
Hey "Lang Chai"... ;þ I'm in Australia... for the phone number please ask Telekom about the international code. My phone number is 46366017. Hey... where is my PHOTO! I did mail you mine. You ah! Tsk! Tsk! Tsk! How are you? Me fine here. Ai Lian told me you look farney. She asked my what happened to your hair! I told her I told you to cut it... remember the graduation & the Informatics prom nite? Hehehe! I told her you look more handsome now. So... anything special happened in your life? Do tell... I think I betta stop here before I flood your guess book. Write to ya later... ME... BEE JUNE ;þ

Kelvin Ng - 10/21/98 13:31:41
My Email:mailto:nbh_kelvin@yahoo.com%20or%20boon72@pd.jaring.my
Contact Number: 019-3203212 or 9451851
Well Done ! Dennis . I hope more and more gang will fill up this corner for memmorial sick.. keep in touch ..

KC Khor - 10/21/98 06:10:17
My Email:kckhor@klmuual.com.my

Rocky JC Loot - 10/18/98 11:09:35
My Email:jcloot@tm.net.my
Contact Number: 016-3288310
Kanbare !! Dennis......In Japanese menas keep it up, job well done. I wish I could have a homepage like yours for my technicians.....those people behind the printing media.Hope to see more stuff add on to your page, it will continue to bring good memories for many people..

melvyn - 10/17/98 13:19:30
My Email:csmelv@tm.net.my
Contact Number: 012-3220423
wah lau dennis, u finally did it!

Mar - 10/16/98 08:51:51
My Email:mar.ruiz@sema.es
Grettings from Barcelona!!!!.

Adeline - 10/15/98 09:26:39
My Email:adekok@tm.net.my
Contact Number: 019-316-4480
Hey,Dennis.....! Where's my picture ??!! Am glad that you are doing SOMETHING for the Transport IT Vol.....hmm, you'll get a free meal at McDONALD'S on me !!!!! Keep up the volunteering spirit and take care.

Gan Geok Ai - 10/15/98 08:22:42
My Email:geokai@sittat.com.my
Contact Number: 03-7335114
Great job, Dennis ! More photos please. Wish I had you as my assignment partner when I was in college ......... :)

Soo Wai Han - 10/15/98 05:35:23
My Email:whsoo@usa.net
Contact Number: 03-6343344
Cool ! I'll see what I can do to help (...when I'm free lah :) ). Thanks, Dennis !

Low Siow Wei - 10/15/98 04:15:50
My Email:lsw35@hotmail.com
Contact Number: 03-4110715
It's great to have this kind of homepage...really!

Thank you! Luv ya all!