So, who exactly is the mysterious girl who runs this highly retarded site? LOL... not much to tell... but, as for basic knowledge:

Full Name: Amanda Noelle Goodwin
Birthdate: December 26 (trust me, not as cool as one might think)
Physical Description: Blah, blah... Um, let me see. I'm tall (about 5'7") and maybe even 5'10" when I'm wearing the right shoes. I've got shoulder length super thick dark brown hair, that's pretty dang curly. I straighten it out usually, though. Oh, and my eyes are kinda weird. They're kinda caramelly brown... my mom says that they're like "tiger eyes". As for weight goes, I ain't heavy, but I'm not anorexically thin. I believe the politically correct term is "curvy", even though I personally think I'm too big. Oh, and I admit to usually being pale. So what ? I think fair skin is really femme.
Emotional Description: LOL... it kind of varies depending on how well you know me. I can be really sarcastic, standoffish, sullen, and unattached until you get to know me. Around my friends, I'm extremely wacky and wiry. I'm a really sensitive and emotional chick. I'm so opinionated and outspoken, it's not even funny. I have one of the sharpest tongues around. Just be glad if I'm on your side... but what's freaky, is that I can also be sort of a pushover at times...
Hobbies: Shopping, acting, writing, talking on the phone, computers, and basically just hanging around the house.
Stuff I Hate: Scales that lie, people who string you along for their own use, cleaning my room, being broke, people who pop their fingers all the time, the fact that I can't dance, when they don't have my size, when I think of a REALLY good slam that I could have used once a situation is over, going to 3rd or 5th period, thieves, Al Gore.
Favorite Place to Shop: Abercrombie and Fitch. Dillards and Charlotte Russe are a close second, but I also like AE a lot. Clothestime is good for good prices. Bakers has cute shoes... the Limited has cute things, it's just kinda costly. Another of my new favorites is L'A Patricia. They're cheap, too !
Favorite TV Show: Smallville, Gilmore Girls, Roswell.
Favorite Movie: Notting Hill, Moulin Rouge, The Princess Diaries (shu'up ;-), Father of the Bride, My Father the Hero.
Favorite Color: LOL... lame, I know. Anyway, it's pink. I also like sky blue a lot.
ICQ #: 13848379... message me sometime.
AOL Screename: CityChica1717. IM me, cause I like it better than ICQ.. hee hee.
