Ah, my friends. The deranged dorks I like to call my crew. LOL, j/k. Anyway, I know there is inevitably going to be someone I forget to mention, so I'm not even going to try and list my friends. If I accidentally forget to mention you, just kindly say, "Amanda, please put me on your list or else I will put the smackdown." Anyway...

Linda Maria (AKA "Lin-Lin, Lindawggy, Lin, Jetson, etc.")- You're my #1 G, you know ? Heck, we almost share a brain ! You help me stay grounded. I know it can't be easy, but somebody has to do it, right ? Besides, no matter how many guys come and go, I know that Lindawgg will ALWAYS be there. After all, you're my date, right ? And I won't be ruining anyone's prom this year, I guess. *shucks* If we could survive NYC, we're ready for anything. Pleasant Grove won't even make me flinch anymore, especially not after the scary experience in Harlem ! And 2pac is sooo alive !!!! LOL

Sheena Renee (AKA "Pretty Hair Girl, Sheen-Sheen")- You and I have been the best of buds since 2nd grade. You throw the best parties EVER. Thanks for the support in JV drill ! So, yeah, "Red Barron" may not be giving me his coat before the end of the year. But... well... I'll get it even if I have to steal it !!!! Curse him and the beat up old Mustang he drives !!!!! WHY WON'T THEY GO AWAY !? WHY ARE THEY FOLLOWING US !? WHY, WHY, WHY, FOR THE LOVE OF GOD WHYYYY !?!?!?!? ...Sorry. Got a lil carried away...

Robert Dawayne (AKA "Sgt. Orange, Walker Western Cheetoh, Dr. Love")- Beneath the whole "When Harry Met the 80's" crap, you are my best guy dude, and I know it's the same for you. You have no idea how much I miss you this year. You're a great guy, Robert Love, and I know that you're destined for nothing but the best. :) Of course, you ain't gonna get that unless you TALK TO THE GIRLS YOU LIKE, dummy !! :D (And I am not a hypocrite.) Good luck on staying away from Steven ! Make sure Derek stays outta jail for me...

James Lon (AKA "Jamey, Jam-Jam")- You and I have been through so, SO much. Ten years is a long time. I know that there's a lot of things between us that have been... well, less than perfect. And painful. Congrads on hittin' however many months it is now with Wendy. It's interesting... but, um, just plain weird... having you in Geometry.

Steven James (AKA "Big Pimp Stevebo, Killer Miller")- The two of us have kind of drifted apart, but it was nice talking to you again at the dance. I kinda miss you. After all, with you not here, who is around around to sponge money off of me constantly ? LOL... BTW, you need to quit teaching Anthony your tricks ! Oh yeah... HEY KILLER MILLER !! YOU'RE IN THE WRONG FRIGGIN' ENDZONE !!! LOL

Sandie Tasha Nicole (AKA "Tasha")- You are one of the smartest people I know. Girl, you are truly a great person with a heart o' gold. Stay that way. It seems to me now that sometimes the most solid of friendships you have these days can be destroyed, but somehow I know that you'll never change for the bad. I really miss you. Oh yeah... and please tell Matt Mott that I said hi and that I DON'T LOOK LIKE THAT ANYMORE !!! please !!!

Anthony No-Middle-Name (AKA "Anthy, Nugen")- Sure, you annoy me beyond belief at times... but you're one of my best friends. Oh yeah, and thanks for FINALLY telling me who you like after, like, 7 months. Geez ! BTW, wear the cologne I bought ya for Christmas if you wanna pick up your chick. And yes, it is a sign that he wants me bad ! And boldness may have magic, but Manda don't have boldness. ...God, Anthy, what am I, like fly paper for creepy guys !?!?

Paula Leslie (AKA "Paul-Paul")- Chickadee, you're one of the brightest people I've had the pleasure of meeting. Keep reaching for the stars... you're really gonna be something one day. I miss ya. You and Tasha stick together, I wanna see a battle for Valedictorian ! LOL

Kellie Anne (AKA "Kel-Kel")- I miss you tons ! It was great talking to you so much in English. Thanks for always backing me up when I felt depressed. I wanna talk to you... :(. I miss you ! Have fun with the hicks in your new town... :-D. LOL...

Mayra Guadalupe (AKA "Mayra")- It's great that we've gotten so close this year. Thanks for all the laughs and thank you for sticking behind me ! Good luck on avoiding your stalker. CONGRATS ON MAKING TOP 10/Lariettes ! I miss sittin' by ya in Bio... love ya chick !

Jamal Lawrence (AKA "Jammie, Jamack, Jam-Jam, Big Bubba")- You are *so* my big brother, minus slight DNA differences. :) Thanks for always being brutally honest and giving me the lowdown on how guys think. You and I are ghetto thugging partners ! LOL... You've watched me become an old woman !!! *turns on hick accent* I love you, big bubba. :)

Ashley Nicole (AKA "Ash")- Thanks for the fond memories of Floyd. I miss ya lots ! You're a beautiful person, inside and out, and I wish nothing but the best for you. We don't really talk much anymore (I need your new #, BTW).

Mercedes Some-Spanish-Name-Meaning-Mary (AKA "Mercy")- You are one of the best friends that I'll ever have, and I miss you a lot. It is a pleasure being your big sister. :) I'm SO glad that we've gotten in touch again. Thanks for having my back lately. If any guy hurts you, he can be sure that Amanda is coming to Cali to box 'im up. ;) Love yas !

Nicole Heather (AKA "Nic-Nic, MCK")- You were, like, my first 'net buddy ever. We've grown to be practically sisters. Your love life is almost as complicated as mine, which is helpful in my aspiring psychology career. LOL... I apologize for my bizarre mood swings. I'm so glad that you have finally found a Prince. You deserve nothing less than that, understand !? Mwahaha !!! HE LOOKS LIKE FRANKENSTEIN !!! Butt face, anyone ? Ahahahaha ! BTW, no, I don't think Chris is over you. LOL... I hope it ripped...

Michelle Lynn (AKA "Michelle, Crazy Blonde")- Hey, sorry Skeeter ! LOL... It was great having you in IPS last year. (Notice how we almost always ended up in the same group ? Lucky !) I miss you this year, too bad you're at Old. Just be prepared to lose, hmm, EVERYTHING to West. ;) You're such a sweet person, and, by all means... get that hookup with "Devon". Also... I hope you stay in choir ! You've got a really pretty voice, USE IT. :) Don't forget about your psychiatrist. LOL... Keep in touch.

Jeremy Unknown (AKA "Mr. Psychic Man")- Jeremyyyy ! LOL... I can't say your name without hearing that Pearl Jam song start playing in my head. Anyway ! You are my psychic, where would I be without ya !? I MISSS YOU, my high school years will be in utter turmoil. BTW, here is my prediction for you. Wear that burgundy pimp suit you've got, hit AMC, and I bet you'll pick up tons of chicks. :) Anyway, it was great getting to know ya, even though we weren't even on the same team and had no classes together. LOL

Jesus Some-Spanish-Name-That-Starts-With-An-'E' (AKA "Jesse")- Hey sweetie ! It's really lonely this year at my locker without ya meeting me there after school ! I had fun "working" with you in Destination Imagination (haha), and I think it's awesome how well we did in competition. (We prolly would've done even better if we had bothered going, huh ? LOL) You're a really sweet guy, and I hope you're havin' fun as a little 7th grader. (Hope you don't have Mr. Interrante 4th period like I did... blech...) When you come to West in a few years, just think-- you'll be down with a junior ! I'll take ya cruisin' in my car. :) Love ya !

Greg Unknown (AKA "Rodeo Boy, Redneck Greg")- Hey there, hick. LOL... It's cool that we've gotten to be sort of friends. You're cute and all.. But, no, I don't still like you... and that does NOT make me mean !? Ohhh yes, we go months without communication and I'm still supposed to be lusting after you... lol. Oh yes, you're just sooo sexy, Greg... ;-p. Have fun working the farm, and thanks for what you put in my yearbook. :) Stay out of jail, and I hope you get your tractor up and running again. LOL !

Derek Thomas (AKA "Shorty, Derek, Little D")- Pimpin' Little D ! I miss you a lot. You cracked me up ! Keep Rob in line for me... :) OH ! And promise me that you won't steal your brother's car anymore, ok ? LOL... Well, I really liked getting closer to you towards the end of the year. (Sorry that I suck at kickball so bad, though.. LOL) IN THE NAME OF ALL THAT IS HOLY IN RHODE ISLAND, QUIT CALLING MY HOUSE. :-| Don't forget our cheer... "D-e-r-e-k [Derek] Bouvier !!!".

Ashley Taylor (AKA "Ashley, AA")- Nice to have ya in drama this past year ! I hope you stay involved in theatre. I miss ya, but I'll keep in touch. Stay sweet. Nice to see you at the Fair. I'd say don't forget me, but after that original monologue I did back in October, I highly doubt anyone in Ms. May's 3rd period drama class ever could... heh heh...

Amanda Marie (AKA "Manda, Monica, Dennis")- Hey Pimpin' Amanda ! It was so much fun having you in drama for the past 3 years. Especially all the plays we did, huh ? I hope that you get your boy probs in line, and manage to get a decent bf ! You're too sweet to put up with so much crap ! It's fun in theatre. ...God, I should've grabbed his butt !!!!

Phu S. (AKA "Phu, Phu Fighter")- You're the only loser I know with an initial for your middle name !! LOL... Just kiddin'. Anyway, what to say ? You crack me up beyond belief. Even though you've been kind of annoying this year. Pink is your color !!! LOL... remember my song ? "Touchdown, Phu Fighter ! Ah ah ah ah ah !!!" LOL... ASIAN PRIDE, BABY !

Kimberly Lauren (AKA "Kim, Kimmie")- Hey chick ! It's cool to have you in History... you crack me up. It's been good hangin' out witcha more this year. Good luck survivin' the long cold winter in your box... here's a quarter ! Go buy some RID ! LOL... You know I'm playin'. I love ya !

Dustin Lee (AKA "K-Mart Cutie")- You're a really, really sweet guy. A Prince, even ! You just kinda need to brush up on your bowling skills, though. I (get ready for this...) BEAT YOU AT BOWLING THREE TIMES and I kicked your butt ! 138 to 111 or something !!! Ahahaha. I bet I could beat you at tennis, too... because, my friend, I am quite simply the masta.

Joshua Paul (AKA "Josh, J. Bo")- LOL... um, sorry for just now adding you, but... uh... yeah. You know how that goes. Anyway... what to say ? We've been through the insane. But somehow we're still friends. I've never known anyone quite as unique as you are. After all, I think we're the only Deep Blue Something fans alive. And that's a very good thing. Oh yeah... and keep up the "crank" Ebonic use... lol. You's ghetto, alright... Also, your clone is quite the ladies man... it drives me insane to no end ! It toys with my mind, making me think it's actually you all over these different girls.. it sucks.. A LOT.

Matt Daniel (AKA "Matters")- One of the only Princes I know. You're a really sweet guy and you're fun to talk to. I'm sad that we won't get to play chess now. :( Oh well... I woulda beat you too bad... lol. Believe in Santy Clause !!! Basements awesome. Spiders bad. Anyway, you know I'm always here when ya need to talk. I'll never forget when we first met, though... you annoyed me sooo bad ! It's a rare one indeed who can hold their own with me in an argument...

Fermin Alex (AKA "Fermin, Fermy, Furby, Pink Monkey")- You're... a very unique guy. Interesting to talk to. You're too smart to hang out with me, though ! Still, you're very sweet and you're cool to talk to. BTW, do yourself a favor and take Driver's ED... you're prolly the only '03'er that hasn't ! Anyway, it's been good getting to know you better over this first semester. Good luck with your ever complicated love life.

Justen Aaron (AKA "J.R.")- I actually don't know what to say... ummm... it was nice getting to know you more over Christmas break. I'm glad the bench is gone... now we're all equals ! Hopefully you can get a decent comp soon... oh yeah ! And don't be dippin' in mah Kool-Aid when you dun even know wha flava it is ! lol...
