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Item Effect
Antidote This removes Poison from a Pokemon
Burn heal This heals a Pokemon that is burned
Ice Heal This thaws a frozen Pokemon
Awakening This will wake up sleeping Pokemon in your team.
Parlyz heal This heals a Paralyzed Pokemon
Full Heal This will heal all of the conditions stated above
Potion This will restore some HP
Super Potion This will restore more HP than a Potion
Hyper Potion This will restore more HP than a Super Potion
Max potion This will restore HP to its maximum
Full restore This will heal all conditions and fully restore HP
Revive This will revive a fainted Pokemon and Restore 1/2 of its HP
Max Revive This will revive a fainted Pokemon and restore its full HP
Fire Stone This stone makes Fire Pokemon evolve
Thunder Stone This stone makes electric Pokemon evolve
Water Stone This stone makes water Pokemon evolve
Leaf Stone This stone makes grass Pokemon evolve
Moon Stone This stone makes mystery Pokemon evolve
Helix Fossil Used to resurrect an Omanyte
Dome Fossil Used to resurrect a Kabuto
Old Amber Used to resurrect an Aerodactyl
Bicycle This enables you to travel faster but it is too expensive for a child to buy.
Escape rope This rope can pull you out of a cave instantly
Repel Spray on and weak Pokemon will avoid you for a while
Super repel This spray lasts longer than Repel
Max repel This spray lasts longer than Super Repel
Rare candy Increases Pokemon's level by 1
Hp up HP level will increase
Protein Attack power points will increase
Iron Defense power points will increase
Carbos Speed points will increase
Calcium Special ability points will increase
X attack In battle, attack power will increase
X defend In battle, defense power will increase
X speed In battle, speed will increase
X special In battle, special ability will increase
Gaurd Spec. In battle, enemy Pokemon cannot use special attacks
Dire Hit In battle, your attacks will be more effective
X accuracy In battle, your chance of hitting will increase
PP up PP level will increase
Pokeball This ball catches Pokemon
Great ball This ball catches Pokemon with a greater success rate.
Ultra ball This ball has a greater success rate at catching Pokemon than the Great ball.
Safari ball This ball can only be used in the safari zone
Master Ball Thjis ball catches any Pokemon with a 100% success rate
Nugget Sell these for lots of money
Gold teeth Give these to the safari zone warden.
S.S. ticket Use this ticket to board the S.S. Anne
Pokedoll Use this to distract Pokemon in battle.
Silph scope This allows you to identify ghostly Pokemon
Pokeflute This awakes sleeping Pokemon. It's handy during battle
Old rod Use this rod to fish for Pokemon
Good rod This rod can catch Pokemon that the Old rod can't
Super rod The best rod. It catches Pokemon that other rods can't
Itemfinder This machine helps you find items
Exp.All Share experience with Pokemon who didn't fight
Coin Use these at the game corner
Coin case Carries your coins
Fresh water During battle it will restore HP a little (also give it to the little girl on the top level of Celadon dept. store. In return she will give you TMs)
Soda Pop During battle it will restore HP a lot( also give it to the little girl on the top level of Celadon dept. store. In return she will give you TMs)
Lemonade During battle it will restore HP a lot more (also give it to the little girl on the top level of Celadon dept. store. In return she will give you TMs)