Maggie's World
Hi everybody. I am Maggie and I will be 1 years old on October 24th, 2001. It isn't the day I was born, but it is the day I was saved from some mean kids who were using me as a ball. I was cold and hungry and very scared! Then this lady came and yelled! Boy did she have a big mouth! And she grabbed me and tucked me in her shirt. I was moving all round in her shirt and then it got warm! It is what is called being inside. I didn't know what was going on but it felt nice. Then I saw my mommie and then she tortured me! She gave me this thing called a baphy; she said it was good for me and would make me clean and smell good. Then she gave me some warm milk. I was soooo hungry! She said it was special milk, just for wittle babies like I was. She said I was about 3 weeks old. Anyways, she took care of me and cuddled me and taught me how to play and use the potty dish. She says it is a litter pan, but I won't have any kittens in there! It is a big covered dish with sand in it...maybe it is a sandbox, but I don't play in there anymore since I am a grown up kitty now.

Enough about my upbringing. I have to get this done soon because mommy is going to take me for a ride in a few days. She talks about going to see someone named Vet. I think I met him before and got poked in my hiney. She said they had to give me rabies and a temper. I don't want rabies, it is very unbecoming of such a beautiful kitty, such as I! As for temper, I don't have one and don't want one! Then she said I was gonna get sprayed. I am not sure what I am going to get sprayed with, but it doesn't sound good. She says it will be best because then there won't be anymore unwanted kitties in the world. She says there are so many that people throw away, that we just don't need to add to it. I would kinda like a baby, but they cry too much. Some babies showed up on our porch though, and I mother them sometimes (when I am not chewing them up and making them scream!).

My mommie says I am a Tonkinese which is a Siamese and Burmese mix. Then she said something about a Snowshoe. I don't like the snow, I like it warm and in the sun! She isn't positive, but she said it is close enough. She loves me either way.

As for my purrsonality, I love to play fetch! Sometimes I will wake my mommie up to play fetch. She complains, but she plays with me anyways. I also enjoy attacking my mommies arms. She wears pearls around her wrist and I am determined to see them roll! Sometimes I attack them while she is sleeping. She said something about bam zoom and going to the moon. She called me Alice, but my name is Maggie. It is funny though when mommie gets mad. Her face changes color. Mommy doesn't hit or spank me but she will give me dirty looks and will sometimes say bad words. I can tell how angry she is by how big the words are. When they get bigger, I run and hide in the tub. I can't see her, so I know she cannot see me. She is so silly! She says she can see me, but I know better!

My mommie is very funny about my diet and feeds me good stuff! She will sometimes fix me an egg or share some chicken. Mostly I just eat what is in my bowl. Sometimes the bottom shows through and I get very angry. How dare she starve me!

Oh well, as you can see my "Siamese" is showing and I just talk and talk! My mommie has this little box and she says it is a camera and it takes pictures. I don't want the box to take them, and I don't think she does either since she hides them in a book. She has put some of them below. I hope you like them! Mommie says to put your cursor over the buttons and a box will come up and explain what each picture is.


ps...don't forget to visit my diary! It is the 17th icon down there. Keep checking back as it will only be for about 3 weeks. It is the diary of my upcoming opurration.

This is me when I was 1 month old. Aren't I the cutest! You Woke Me Up! Can't I Ever Sleep? Sleeping In My Mommies Arms Sigh..... Still Sleeping I Had To Knock The Stuffing Out Of Him So I Could Lay Right Here! Lick Lick Lick My favorite pastime! Me And My Friends, Myrtle And Calypso.  I am under there, you just have to count the ears! This Is The Shelf My Mommie Built Me Up Close My Window! I DON'T WANNA GO TO THE VET!!!  WAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH This Is My Brother, Tidy.  He Lives With Another Family Another Picture Of My Brother, Tidy My Diary More To Come More To Come More To Come More To Come

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