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The following are three different scenarios portraying three different attempts at mate selection and spouse acquisition


A guy walks through a park, and sees a mopheaded sleevesless, socksless-sandeled, young-female hiker having her legs bared with bermuda shorts coming out of church by herself, heading for a grocery store, and approaches her....

GUY: Excuse me, but your lasciviously-enticing mopheadedness, naked-armed sleeveslessness, nude-legs slackslessness, and partially-bare-footed sockslessness has seduced and sensuously aroused me. Why have you done that? Would you like to begin a permanent sexual relationship with me involving private undressing to total nakedness, engage in further foreplay culminating in penis-sucking fellatio, then contine on to vaginal genital-insertion intercourse and then perhaps rectal-insertion afterplay?

GAL: In answer to your 'why' question, I'll be dammed if I know why the fk I am misdressed this way. How the hell would I know all the doctrine-of-demons excuses I could satanically conjure up to irrationalize my insane misbehavior? Who gives a sht anyway? Summer fashion......tanning.....because everyone else is doing it (including old-order catholic nuns and islamic-fundamentalist immigrants) like all my pervert friends who expect me to do it. Whatever. I am either now engaged, going to be engaged to someone, already married, married but planning a divorce, a divorcee and am fed up with submitting to another husband in marriage, or a lesbian seeking someone to lustfully sodomize with. Buzz off.


A guy attends a singles-group youth conference, and sees a loose-long-haired, nearly-sleevesless, socksless-sandeled, young-female participant having her legs bared with a shortened skirt sitting in a pew by herself, clapping her hands above her head, and approaches her....

GUY: Excuse me, but your lasciviously-enticing loose-long-haired hairstyle, naked-armed sleeveslessness, nude-legs slackslessness, and partially-bare-footed sockslessness has seduced and sensuously aroused me. Why have you done that? Would you like to begin a permanent sexual relationship with me involving private undressing to total nakedness, engage in further foreplay culminating in penis-sucking fellatio, then contine on to vaginal genital-insertion intercourse and then perhaps rectal-insertion afterplay?

GAL: In answer to your 'why' question, I'll be dammed if I know why the fk I am misdressed this way. Ready to experience my counter-attack of doctrine-of-demons excuses I will satanically conjure up to irrationalize my anti-Scriptural, godless and depraved, insane misbehavior? Who gives a rat's ass anyway? Summer fashion......tanning.....because everyone else is doing it (including old-order catholic nuns and islamic-fundamentalist immigrants) like all my pervert religious friends and heretic-clergy pastor who expect me to do it. Whatever. I am either now engaged, going to be engaged to someone, already married, married but planning a divorce, a divorcee and am fed up with submitting to another husband in marriage, or a lesbian seeking someone to lustfully sodomize with.

Don't be judgmental. Condemnatory. Accusatory. Turn the other cheek. Take up your cross of sexual-harassment suffering without complaining. We're saved by faith not works. Don't be a proof-texting legalistic nitpicker, hung up on the small stuff. We are not under law but under grace, and in a new dispensation. Take it like a man. Turn away if you have a mental problem with it. Avoid the presence of an immodest indecent fool; do not associate with such despicable vermin. God loves everyone, so quit grumbling and finding fault. Mind your own affairs.

Besides, our modern pseudo-"bible" mistranslations against (not of) First Corinthians 7:1 tell us that it is good to not marry nor have sex with a woman - so [by default] we sneak in a little sex on the side without telling anybody and hope our condoms and contraceptives do not fail and abortion-homicide remains "legal."

You heard with the other girl said. Buzz off!


A guy e-mails a Christian dating service (i.e. mate-acquisition facility) and speaks with the receptionist

GUY: Hello, I am searching for an accomodating and compliant beautiful young woman to begin a permanent sexual relationship with, involving private undressing to total nakedness, engage in further foreplay culminating in penis-sucking fellatio, then contine on to vaginal genital-insertion intercourse and then perhaps rectal-insertion afterplay. Do you have one for me?

RECEPTIONIST: E-mail us your photo to our e-mail address, and we will e-mail you back three photos of presently-available gals for you to choose from. E-mail us back your choice, print off a copy of our Mate Acquisition Quiz at our website, then fill it out, and e-mail it to us. We will then e-mail you a copy of the completed Mate Acquisition Quiz of the gal you chose (if she considers you compatible with her). If you then consider her compatible with you, e-mail your approval to us so we will e-mail both of you your other personal e-mail addresses enabling you both to then continue to correspond privately together.

If you both get to the point when you both desire to promptly begin a permanent sexual relationship with, involving private undressing to total nakedness, engage in further foreplay culminating in penis-sucking fellatio, then contine on to vaginal genital-insertion intercourse and then perhaps rectal-insertion afterplay.....we will direct you both to print a copy of our Concubine Marital Certificate Form at another of our websites so you both can fill them out together before beginning erotic connections with each other.