[ Tomb Raider: The Angel Of Darkness Walkthrough

Parisian Back Streets
This level is more or less a training level to help you get accustomed to the many tricks Lara has up her sleeve. Lara tells you everything you need to do in this level but I'm going to walk you through it anyways. From the start make your way to the right and grab the chocolate bar on the ground that is sparkling in the doorway. When you have it, hop up onto the garbage bin that she is telling you to. Once on top of it, jump and grab the ledge to pull yourself up. Walk up to the edge and hop over the gap to the next ledge. Walk a few more steps until you come to the ladder on your left. Climb up it and hop off to the left when you reach the top. Follow the balcony around the corner to where you will come to an open window. Hop inside and open the drawers to grab some more health items. There is a large cabinet that is locked and requires you to pry it open. You can come back later to open it and get the necklace that is inside if you choose to.

Hop back out the window and climb up the ladder to the left. When you reach the top, hop off to the right and stand at the opening in the short wall at the edge. Jump across the large gap and grab the ledge on the other side. Pull yourself up and head left over a small fence to grab another health item. Hop back over and head to the right of where you pulled yourself up. Stand at the ledge here and make a small hop jump over to the next ledge. Walk across the boards to the drain pipe at the far end. Climb up the pipe and grab the ledge to the right. Shimmy along to the right and drop down to the ledge below you when you are over far enough. Jump and grab the ledge to the right and shimmy around the corner to where you can see an opening in the fence on top of it. When you reach it, pull yourself up to the roof. Walk forward a few steps and you will come to a small shack that has a locked door. Just like the cabinet earlier, you need to pry the lock open with something. Make your way over to the far left corner of the roof and you will see a barrel in the corner. Pull the barrel back and hop up onto the ledge that it was blocking. Drop down and grab the crowbar there.

Climb back up to the roof by jumping and grabbing the ledge, although you may need to move a step to your right to get back up through the opening in the fence. When you are back up on the roof, pop open the lock on the shack and grab the gun inside. From here you can either go all the way back and climb inside the window to open the locked cabinet or you can hop back down to where the crowbar was to continue on. When you popped the lock on the shack, Lara made a comment about being stronger. You will need her to have increased strength to make the shimmy across and over the gate on the next ledge. Get down to where the crowbar was and grab the ledge above you. This time shimmy to the left and keep going until the grip meter runs out. When you land, you need to sneak up to the corner and perform a wall hug to watch for the guard to turn around. Creep around the corner when he's not looking and grab the key off the board to the left of you. When you have it, run back around the corner and open the locked gate. Make your way down the ladder to finish the training level.

Derelict Apartment Block

As the level starts, the police are bashing on the door trying to break it down. Run up the flight of stairs in front of you. When you reach the top, the door bursts open and the police enter the first floor. They then throw in tear gas which starts to waft its way up each floor. When it gets to you, your breathe meter appears and you need to get higher to avoid choking to death. When you reach the top of the first set of stairs, go right and around the corner to the next set of stairs. These have a hole in the middle that you need to jump over. Do so and continue up and around to the next hallway that a large rock smashes through. To your left is a small hallway with a locked door that you need a key for. Ignore it for now and jump over the gap to your right, grabbing the ledge to pull yourself up.

Run to the next stairs and at the bottom of them will be a large cabinet that you need to pull back. Pull it back far enough so that you can run around it and up the stairs. At the top of the stairs will be another small hallway to your left. Lara will bust open the door and get stronger. Loot the cabinets inside the room to get yourself some batteries and bullets. Leave the room and grab the health pack on the floor. Make your way around the hallway and up the next flight of stairs. At the halfway landing on these stairs will be a box. Pull the box once towards the stairs going down and climb on top of it. Jump towards the stairs going down with a standing short jump. Grab the railing and pull yourself up and over to the top floor.

To the right will be a door that you need to enter. Do so and grab the elevator key off the floor and the room key for the locked door below off the wall. Turn to the machinery in the room and turn it on. This will activate the elevator and allow you to visit each floor again. Go out of the room to the elevator and ride it down to the second floor. Hop out and make your way over the broken floor to the locked door on the other side. Enter and grab the gun from the cabinet. Make your way back out, over the gap and back up to the fourth floor. Enter the elevator control room again and exit through the blue door.

Industrial Rooftop
Now that you are back outside, jump up on top of the small platform to reach the ladder. Climb up it and Lara will point out a wire overhead. Jump up and grab it to shimmy yourself across to the next rooftop. As you do a helicopter emerges and takes a few pot shots at you. Keep climbing across and she will tell you to tuck her legs up. Keep climbing and hop down when you reach the small shack on the roof. Run behind the boxes and grab the health there. While you are still behind the boxes, walk down the roof and grab the ledge as you slide off the edge.

Look down to find a walkway below you that you can drop to. Drop onto it and enter the door there. Follow the dark hallway to the end and go left through another door. Keep going until you come to a large room that you can grab some heath and ammo in. Make your way out the door and across the rain soaked walkway. To the left of the door is a ladder that you can climb down but it has a far drop at the end of it. If you have the health, go ahead and climb down it and drop at the bottom. Beside where you land will be a box that you can pull. Pull it over so that it is under the ladder. Now you can climb back up and you also received leg strength that you will need very soon. Head back up the ladder and into the door. Follow the stairs on the left down and hang off the edge to drop to the ledge below you. Follow the catwalk around to an outstretched part. Lara will make a comment about how she can make the jump.

Jump over it and grab the ledge on the far side. Shimmy your way to the left to where you can pull yourself up. Make your way over to the ladder and start climbing. When you reach the top, hop off to the left and jump across the small gap to the door on the other side. Follow the hallway along until you reach another outside area. Jump across the gap to the catwalk across from you and head up the stairs to another door. Enter it and climb up the ladder to eventually reach a small shack on top of another roof. Head to your left and back to the corner where a cut scene will start.

Margot Carvier's Apartment

When you are talking to Margot you can be as nice or mean as you want. If you are nice to her, she will give you the notebook. If not you will need to go into the kitchen and take it from the drawer next to the doorway. There are a few things to grab in the apartment such as a ring on the table by the window, a bottle of wine in the kitchen and a health kit in a drawer in the living room. Make sure you get out of there quick though as the cops will bust into the apartment soon enough. Run down the hallway to exit the level.

Parisian Ghetto
When you wake up in an old train car, head to the front of it and exit the open door on the left side. Make your way to the left out the door and find the large pipe on the ground beside the car. You can either head to the far end of the area where there are some homeless people around a fire or you can continue up the pipe. Either way you will have to come here and climb on top of the pipe. When you do you need to jump and grab the edge of the roof of the car. Pull yourself up and head to the front of the car to a fence that is hanging down. Crawl underneath the pipe behind the fencing to grab a full health pack that will come in very handy.

Crawl back and climb up the fencing. When you reach the top go left and make a diagonal jump across the opening in the fence. Talk to the drug dealer here and learn some more information about Bouchard and to hear about the Café Metro. When you are done talking to him, go through the door to the right of him that leads to the streets. As you hit the streets a hooker will be right in front of you to your left. Talk to her to gather more information about Bouchard and two guys who can help you find him, Pierre at the Café Metro and Bernard in the park. Take a few trips around the streets to learn where certain stores and buildings are and familiarize yourself with the area.

If you decide to go talk to Pierre first then head straight up the stairs through the alley way and to the left. When you get to the Café, he will tell you that he will give you the information you want after you retrieve a package for him in Le Serpent Rouge. He will give you a key to get in the backdoor when you have finished talking to him. Head back to where Janice the hooker is standing in front of Le Serpent Rouge. You want to go down the left side of the building and through the door there to enter it.

Le Serpent Rouge
When you enter the doorway you will have a little scene played to show you a guard at the far end of the hall in an office. Walk down the hallway to the right, past the doorway and flip the switch on the left wall. When you do, the lights in the guards' office go off and he comes to check the switch. Hide in the door way you just walked past and wait for him to walk by. When he walks past, use stealth and sneak up behind him to take him out.

Go to his office and clear out the goodies on his desk that include a set of keys and some ammo. Head back down the hallway where the light switch was and continue to the end. Follow the stairs up to the door and open it up. Take out the two guards inside the main room and make your way behind the bar. Flip the switch on the wall to raise the lift and grab some more ammo. Take the health that can be found behind the bar and make your way over to the DJ table. Climb the stairs and flip the switch on the left wall which will turn on the dance lights and music as well as alert the two guards who come in through the far door near the ticket office. Grab the antique record of the turntable stand and take the two guards out. Now that the place is jumpin, head up the stairs on the left side of the room and kill the guard that runs out of the door at the top. Follow the walkway around to the other side where there is a box you can move and a little outcropping of a balcony. Push the box onto the balcony and hop on top of it. From here jump straight up to grab the light rigging.

Pull your self up and when you walk to the far side that section will break off. Jump across the part that broke off to the walkway on the other side. If you look at the light from the rigging then the walkway will be on your direct left. When you jump across the gap to the walkway, take out the two guards that show up and grab the health packs on the ground. Make your way to the right to another section of broken railing and jump across to the light structure that is moving up and down. Hop across the rigging to the other side and climb up the scaffolding in the left corner to get on top of the light rigging. From the top hop across over to the other side of the rigging to where you can see a walkway on the far side above where you jumped off of to get on the light rigging. When you make it across head up the ladder to your left and down the catwalk to the small door o that can be opened in the rigging. You will need to come back here later on after you move the lights to get the package for Pierre.

Slide down the slope and jump across to the platform on the other side. Hop over the small gap and across a very large gap to grab the metal rigging on the other side. When you grab it, shimmy over to the left until you are past the pipe on top and can pull yourself up. Walk over to the left and jump off towards the office below you. When you try to open the door it says Lara is not strong enough. Walk over to the bridge that is raised and kick it down. You get the strength from that to bust open the door to the control room. Walk in and grab the ticket office key off the floor. You can use that key to go and open the locked ticket office door at the bottom floor to get some money. At the left of the door way is a control panel with two levers. The leftmost lever will rotate the light fixtures along the rigging and the right lever with detach the light in the far right corner. Rotate the lights around until the light fixture that is shooting out sparks is in the right position.

Pull the right lever and it will detach apart form the rest and move over to where you can reach it. Make your way out of the control room and across the bridge. Climb up the ladder and make your way over to the light and the door that you can open. Do so, and grab the trinket box inside for Pierre. Make your way back to the control room and take out the guard who has shown up. If you kill him and have a low life hit points don't use any health items to heal. As you exit through the door in the control room you will be outside with full health. Climb down the ladder on your right until you reach the bottom platform. Hang off the ledge of the platform you are standing on and drop down to another lower level. Make your way down the stairs and again, drop off the ledge on to the street.

Parisian Ghetto
Find you bearings and you should be able to see Janice the hooker a little ways down the street. Run over to her and from there go back to the Café Metro to give the package to Pierre. After you do, he will tell you to talk to his ex Francine.
Leave the café and head directly to the left until you see a garbage can on the left side with a door beside it that has a keypad beside it. Look at the piece of paper that Pierre gave you and it will have a number on it. Punch the numbers on the keypad to open the door. Enter the small courtyard and climb the stairs on the right to enter the house and talk to Francine.

St. Aicard Church
When you talk to Francine she will tell you that Bouchard is in his hideout and that you can access it from the underground passage under the cemetery. When you are done talking to her, grab the health item out of the drawer and head out the blue door to the balcony outside. Turn to the right when you are out there and jump over the gap to the next balcony grabbing the ledge. Pull yourself up and continue along hopping over the metal bars to the drain pipe in the corner. Climb up it and grab the ledge of the roof, pulling yourself up when you grab the ledge on the right.

Run along the walkway as it starts to collapse under you. When you reach the corner, drop down grabbing the edge and shimmy over to the ledge below you and to the right. Drop down and grab the wire spanning across the wide gap. Shimmy across and drop onto the balcony below you. Walk around the corner of the building until you come to a break in the railing where you can drop down and grab the ledge to drop down into the graveyard. When you reach the ground make your way around the corner to where a dog charges at you. Shoot him and look for the crypt on your right that has a cross on the door.

When you find it, grab the edge of the roof of the crypt beside it and pull yourself up. Jump over to the roof of the crypt that has the cross on the door. From here, jump across to the crypt roof that is beside the iron fence. Jump down from the roof here and break open the door that is on the front of it. When you do, Lara will increase in strength that is needed for the next move. If you want to go directly to the exit then head over to the statue of the angel at the far end and climb up behind it. Push it and it will fall over breaking a hole open that you can now jump into. If you want, before you push the angel over, you can climb back on top of the crypt and jump across to another fenced area that has another crypt with a cross on the door. This crypt needs you to have increased strength to open the door as well. Bust it open to get ammo and health. If you don't want to bother with this other crypt then just push over the angel and jump down the hole.

Bouchard's Hideout
Mmmmmmmm rats. Follow the corridor along past the door on the right until you get around the corner and the floor breaks away under you. If you get caught in the fall, walk along the bottom of the newly opened pit and climb up the far side. When you reach the top there will be another open pit in front of you. On the wall to your right will be a red pipe that you need to grab and shimmy across the pit. When you grab it, start across the pit immediately. If you stop at all you will not have enough time to get across the pit. When you reach the other side another portion on the floor drops away and you land in the water below. Dive down and swim through to the next area. Swim up to the surface and over to the far end where Lara will state that she can climb out. Have her climb the right side wall and then shimmy over when you reach the top.

Continue following the corridor to a pile of rocks and a small gate on the right. Walk up to the pile of rocks and pull the large one that you can reach. When you do, some rocks fall down and make some noise. Head back to the small gate and kick it open. Crawl through into the next room. Grab the ammo off the floor and head through the doors that exit the room. Make a left when you exit the last door until you come to a water filler pit. Jump in and swim across to the other side. When you climb out, there will be a room with a pipe that is spouting steam out. On the right side wall there is a hole that you can walkthrough into the next room. Head on in and make a left down the long hallway to a medical room with a some what disgusting Arnaud writhing about on a bed. Go right, through the opening in the gate and then left to the door there.

Open it and continue in to talk to Bouchard. When you are talking to Bouchard, if you tell him not to jerk you around, he will shoot you and kill you. So tell him to relax and you can choose anything to say after that. After you finish the conversation, head to the left and pull the lever beside the door. When you do, you will see a large iron gate open. Go through the door that you entered Bouchard's room from and run down the hallway until you reach the second door on the left. Enter the room and pull the box in front of you side ways once and then push it towards the door as far as it will go. Hop on top of it and jump up to grab the ledge above you. Pull yourself up and pull the lever there to open the door in Bouchard's office. Climb back down and head back to his office and out the now open door.

St. Aicard Church
When you enter the church you will see a boxing ring and a few guys scattered around the gym training. There are a few things in here you can do, or if you feel like it, just leave by entering the small room near where you enter. You can talk to the rather large guy by the boxing ring to place bets on who you thing will win a boxing match, but it costs $200 each time and I never actually won. At the far end of the church there is a statue with a box in front of it. Push the box over to the left and hop on it. Jump up to grab the ledge and pull yourself up to the platform there. Climb up the wall in between where the molding is missing to the window ledge. From up here you can jump over to the wooden beam and follow them along to the far end and grab a ring in the organ room. After you do all that, you can jump over the ledge and exit the church to head for the pawn shop.

Renne's Pawnshop
As you enter the pawnshop you are treated to a little cut scene of a rather rude customer. Make your way into the pawnshop and into the back room. When you enter you find Renne dead and a symbol on the floor beside him in blood. How yummy. Pick up his wallet that is beside him and check it out. It has a piece of paper in it that has a code 14529 written on it. Make your way over to the keypad door and punch in the code to open the door. When it opens, grab the goods off the shelf and floor. As you pick up the last item, the alarm goes off and red lasers light the room. You now have to move very quickly to not get blown up by the bomb that is in the next room. Punch the yellow button on the wall and exit the room. Make your way over to the trap door on the right and open it up. Jump down and quickly run along the hallway to the sewer pipe. Go inside it and continue running to the end. If you make it far enough with out the blast catching you then a cut scene will start and show Lara diving out of the pipe.

Louvre Storm Drains
Head to the right from the start and splash your way to the end of the tunnel where you see a rush of water falling from above in a circular room. Follow the circular room around on the left side until you come to a drain pipe that you can climb. Climb up it and walk along the catwalk at the top of it. At the end of the catwalk is a switch that you flip to turn off a rather large fan just down from you. Hop back down the catwalk and make your way down the right tunnel of where you entered the circular room. Eventually on your right you will come to a ladder which has the large fan at the top of it. Climb up and give the fan a little spin to get some strength in you. Crawl through the opening and down the hallway until you come to a small room with a valve that you can turn. When you do, you'll see that a green light goes on at the control panel. There are 5 more valves to turn to make all the lights green. Head back out of the room and down the ladder.

Go straight and continue down the left tunnel of where you entered the circular room. On your left you will come to a door way which will lead you around to another small room and a valve. Turn it and you only have 4 left. Make your way back to the circular room and up the drain pipe again. Before you get to the switch this time there is a yellow and black metal beam that protrudes out the side from the catwalk. Cross it to the other side to another catwalk and another valve. Turn it and you will be shown the water below (hint hint) and that you still need three more valves. Walk to your right past the ladder right beside you to the next one that starts a bit higher than usual. Climb up it and make your way to the left down the next catwalk and up another ladder. Now you are at the very top of the room and can see where the water is coming from.

Go to the right of the ladder until you reach the broken fence and a pipe across the top that you can grab. Grab it and shimmy across to the far side and another valve. Four down and two to go. Now you want to go down where the water is flowing. How you get there is up to you. You can climb the ladders back down and then casually jump in and make it or you can be a daredevil and jump from where you are at the very top and risk missing and dying. It's up to you but when you do reach the water, swim down and towards the brown rusty pipes. Keep swimming and make a right around the curve and then head upwards when you come to a dead end. Keep swimming up until you surface in the new room. On one side of the room will be a yellow fence that you can climb. Swim over to it and pull yourself up and start along the catwalk. About halfway across Lara will tell you that she can climb up on the pipe above you which is very hard to see.

Grab it and shimmy over until the black and yellow beam is under you. Drop down and walk over to the valve there. Turn it and head back along the beam. Jump and grab the pipe again and continue across to the yellow broken catwalk. When you make it over, start climbing up the back of it and Lara will do some nifty moves to get herself on top of it. You may have to move her back and forth a bit to get her to climb higher. When you reach the top of the catwalk, walk to the end where there will be a gap and a large opening to your right. Lara will make a comment about being able to make the jump which really isn't difficult at all. Jump over and turn the last valve which will shut off the water in the other circular room. Hop back over the gap and go into the large opening that is now on your left. Crawl under the gate and slide down the slope in the hole on the left. This will take you back down beside the fan that you shut off near the beginning.

From here make your way down the tunnel to the circular room and up the drainpipe, along the catwalks and ladders until you finally reach the top. Jump from the black and yellow beam into the opening that the water was coming out of and go through the gate into the next room. When Lara enters she will make note of an oil smell. That can't be good. Make your way down and to the right to the far end where you can see a red barrel. When you get there Lara will say you better check the map. No need to check it. Just active the large pipe beside the drum and Lara will place the dynamite in her pack on it. She will tell you to dive which means get your ass in the water fast! Jump over the railing and stay under the water. If you pop up for air the flames on the surface will kill you.

On the far wall under the water will be two openings. Head for the opening on the right and keep swimming down until your reach the second left opening. It will have some pipes running along the wall of it. When you get about halfway up it you will be out of the water and can start running along now. Continue following the pipes on the wall to the tunnel on the left. When you get to the end there will be an opening back into the room on the left. Drop down from the ledge and run over to the ladder. Climb up and you will be back where you started, but don't climb down the next ladder. Jump down over the fire below and run along the catwalk until you reach the ladder on the right just before the next fire. Climb up and make your way to the end where you will need drop down off the edge onto the catwalk below. When you do, you can now enter the hole in the wall that was blown open from the dynamite and enter the blue room. Make your way to the left and through the door to enter the Louvre.

The Louvre Galleries
For the first part of the Louvre you will run into minor resistance from security guards. It is best to deal with them using the K2 Impactor electrical gun since it takes them out in one shot. Head up the stairs where you will meet your first security guard. Zap him and continue up the stairs and around the corners until your reach a door. Enter the next room and you will see a lot of red laser beams that will trigger the alarm if they are broken. Fun stuff! Head for the glass case directly in front of where you entered from. Hop up on it and then jump to the left towards a rock on the wall. Grab the edge of it and pull your self up. Make a running jump off the rock and over the first set of lasers. If you do happen to trigger the alarm, a guard will run in and the doors will lock. You will need to press the button on the wall beside the door you entered to reset the alarm lasers and open the doors again.

When you have cleared the first set of lasers, hop up on the glass case in the middle. This is probably the trickiest of all the laser beam jumps. When the far and near beams are about a quarter of the way down, jump directly across to the glass case ahead of you. After you make the jump, stop! More lasers will appear. The next jump you need to make will be from the middle glass case to middle glass case ahead of you. You need to time it just right though so that disappearing lasers do not reappear while you are jumping. After you have made the jump onto the next case, walk up to the lasers in front of you and hang off the edge of the case on the right side. Shimmy over past the lasers and drop down to the floor. For the last set of lasers in this room, make your way on top of the glass case on the right side and jump over the lowest beam. Make your jump from a ways back so that that you don't trip it on your way up. When you clear the beam, head through the door and into the next laser room.

After you get a little camera preview of the room crawl under the first set of lasers. For the second set stand sideways to the lasers and do a sideways jump over them. Lara will clear the top laser no problem. Continue on down to the right. Use stealth and sneak up on the security guard near the door. Grab him from behind and take his security pass when he is defeated. Enter the door he was guarding and dodge the light on the security camera as you make your way through the next doorway. Use stealth on the next guard as well and take him from behind. One the far wall is the Mona Lisa with a ring of lasers around it. You need to shut those off and grab the ledge above it to enter the vent there.

Make your way to the small glass case in the corner and pull it away from the wall. As you do, your legs get stronger and a button is now accessible from behind where the box was. Move to the middle of the room where there is a large glass case. Push it towards the Mona Lisa as far as it will go. What you need to do now is press the button on the wall, climb on top of the large glass case and jump over to the ledge before the lasers come back on. Easy enough. Once you have the ledge you are safe as long as you don't break the lasers. Crouch and climb into the air vent and follow it around the corner to another small space you need to crawl through. Squeeze through the vent and you will come out into a room with a ladder on the right side wall. Climb up it and break through the grate at the end. As you do, a guard will walk in front of it. Take him out with a little zap.

Make your way to the right of the opening to a grey box against the wall. Climb up it and the next one until you reach the ledge of the building. Pull yourself up and walk a few steps to your right. Drop down so that you can shimmy past the metal barrier. Pull yourself up on the other side and continue walking along the edge until you come to another barrier. Do the same thing to get around that barrier. When you pull yourself up on the other side, there will be a wire spanning across the area. Jump up and grab it but don't stop moving at all. If you do, you won't make it across. When you reach the other side, Lara will say she feels stronger now. Walk over to the right along the ledge until you can go no further. Drop down grabbing the edge and shimmy over to the drain pipe. Climb down to the ledges that are below the open windows. Grab the ledge on the right and pull yourself up into the window when the guard is facing the other way. Take him out from behind and grab his key.

Climb back out the window you entered and head back up the drain pipe to continue along the ledge at the top. Continue going to the right when you pull yourself up until you reach a small fence. There is a break in it that you can walkthrough to reach the walkway that will take you around to the far side of the building. When you reach the other side, there will be a fenced area and a ladder leading down to the ground. Enter the fenced area with your crowbar (if you don't have one from the beginning of the game, go down the ladder and grab one from the room at the bottom) Directly across from the door inside the fenced area will be a piece of machinery. Climb up it and crawl to enter the open vent. Climb down the ladder and crawl through another vent. When you get to the end, drop off the edge and you will land in a storage room with a guard outside the door. Open the door and take him out however you like.

Continue down the hall and enter the first door on the right. Enter the glass sliding doors and there will be a cabinet on the right side. Lara will say that she can't open it but if you kneel you can grab the respirators inside. Don't know how or why it does that but it does. Leave the room and head for the second door on the right. Take out the security guard in the second room and operate the computer on the desk. The left most computer will activate the camera in Margot's office. Use the left stick to look around and the right stick to zoom in and out. On a piece of paper above her desk will be a code written down, 14639. You will need that code for the next door. Leave the room and go to the door at your right at the end of the hall. Enter the code from the camera and enter Margot's office. As you walk around and check things out, you will get a lot more information on the Obscura Paintings. Listen to what Lara has to say as it is most interesting.

Before you leave the room, make sure you grab the security pass from the right drawer of the computer desk. Go all the way down to the far end of the hall and use the pass on the door to open it. Make your way down the stairs and through the door on the right at the bottom. When you enter a guard will spot you. Take him out and continue through the door at the far end to enter the second room you were in before with all the laser beams. Make your way straight ahead past the red security light and to the door on the right. Use the security pass on it and enter. Make your way down the stairs until you finally reach the large metal door at the bottom.

Archeological Dig Site

Head through the gate and run down the left side of the area towards the trailer on the right. As you get close to it, a guard will open the door and see you. Take him out and enter the trailer. Flip the switch on the far wall that will turn on some machinery in the next area. Exit the trailer and head towards the right where another guard will shout at you. Take him out and enter the trailer beside where he appeared from. Enter the trailer and grab the piece of paper with the bullseye marking on it from the printer. Look at the computer and Lara will read a brief run down of The Nephilim history. The piece of paper is the second marking of the Obscura paintings that you will need in just a bit. Exit the trailer and another guard will appear from where the second guard was. Take him out however you choose and go through the large door in between trailers.

Inside this area will be a large piece of machinery that you say active when you flipped the switch. Operate he computer and you will see that the machine is a large x-ray device. Move the window around to the left and up until you find an object that has a circle and a half circle attached to it. When you find it, the machine will beep and place a square around it. Exit the machine and the printer beside the controls for the x-ray will have printed out a copy of the symbol, which is the first symbol of the Obscura paintings. Head out of the room and make your way back towards the gate where you entered. As you run along the fenced area on your right, there is a break with a small ramp that has a ladder there. Climb down the ladder and make your way across the planks. Climb all the way down to the bottom where there will be a guard walking around. Take him out and then climb up the ladder near the computers on the table to the right. At the top of the ladder will be a wall that you can climb. Climb up it until you come to a platform at the top with a metal fence type thing beside you. Above you will be the bridge that was spanning across the pit area.

You need to jump and grab the bottom of the bridge and shimmy your way across to the other side like you were on monkey bars. Lara cannot stop going across or she won't make it. Make sure you are lined up perfectly straight with the other side and start your way across. When you reach the other side, climb up onto the wooden platform above you and to the left. When you are up on it, hop up on to the bridge and make your way halfway across to the wooden planks on your left. Cross them and flip the switch on the left to operate the elevator. When you do it will lower down. Make your way back across the bridge and down the wooden platform you climbed up. When you are back on the stone platform, jump across to where the elevator is and run over to the spinning symbols on the left. There is a level on the door that you can pull to spin the symbols around. Each symbol spins but you need to lock the ones you don't want to spin in place.

Make your way around the corner and there will be four levers. Pull them all except for the far left one and head back to the symbols. To know which order they symbols go in, look at the last page in the notebook. The first symbol is a half moon and the last is a tree type symbol. The middle two are missing though. The missing two symbols are the two pieces of paper you have. The orders of the symbols are half moon, circle with half circle, bullseye and finally the tree type symbol. When you have them all locked in place the gate above you will open. Make your way back over to the elevator and jump across to the stone platform. Climb up the wooden platform and up onto the bridge over to the wooden planks on the left. Follow them over to the now open hole. Jump in to enter the tomb of the ancients

Tomb of the Ancients
As you enter the green Tomb of the ancients, walk down the tunnel until you come to a drop off. Make yourself climb down by hanging off the ledge and drop onto the log below. Do the same to get off the log and follow the tunnel until you come to a very large room. Walk to the edge after the little camera fly by and drop down grabbing the edge. This wall is climb able, so climb down the face of it until you come to a green platform under you that you can drop down on. Facing the wall, there is a beam on your left that you can jump over to. Do so and you will notice a cave in the wall. Hop over to the cave and follow the short tunnel to a hole in the ground. Hop down the ledges until you reach the ground and a large doorway that leads you out to a bridge. There is an easy way and a very long way to do the next section. I'll tell you the easy way.

When you exit the door way onto the bridge, stand next to the wall and hop over the railing to your right and you will land on a platform below you. Follow the platform down and hang off the edge when you get near the end of it. Like the first wall you hung off of in this room, this wall is also climbable. Shimmy your way down and drop to the small opening below you to regain your grip strength. When you are ready, hop back onto the wall to your left and climb it around the corner and down to the next platform below you. When you land on the platform, follow it to the left until you can't go any farther. Across the way you will see a beam protruding from the wall with a switch above it. Jump over to the beam and pull the switch to make some ledges extrude from the wall. This is a simple but frustrating jumping puzzle. Follow the ledges down as they lead you to the ground. As you reach the ground, run over to the small door way that has a green light coming from it.

Crawl inside it and pull the switch to have the existing ledges retract and new ones appear. Crawl back out of the room, running away from the guard that is chasing you. If you want you can fire at him but the most you will do is knock him down. He will get right back up and come after you again. Run to the lowest ledge and jump and grab the edge to pull yourself up. Follow the ledges up until you come to a small room that houses another switch. Pull it and the trap door at the bottom in the middle of the floor will pop open. Make your way all the way back down to the bottom again and jump down the opening. Be careful though as the guard can follow you into the opening as well. Follow the tunnel along to the right where you will come to a door. Bust it open and you can grab a shot gun and get some strength.

Head back out of the room and make a right to another door that you will bust open as well. When you enter the next rooms there are spike traps and dart traps that are trying to kill you as you need to get to the other end quickly before the door down there closes. If the door closes, make your way back to the beginning and pull the lever to the left of the door (if you are facing it). Run through the darts and just jump over the spikes and you will take hardly any damage. Run through the door at the end and follow the hallway until you enter the Hall of Seasons.

Hall of Seasons
When you enter the corridor leading to the Hall of Seasons, there are four paintings on the wall that have an opening under them. These openings are for the Crystals that you need to get from each "season". Also as you enter the Hall of Seasons you will notice that there are a lot of doors along the circular wall and a center piece in the floor that is broken up into 4 pieces with images on them. Each piece is a pressure plate that opens up a series of three doors along the wall. One of the doors will lead to the level with the jewel you need to collect while the others will lead to the lower level of fire and booby traps. If you do fall down through the floor when you pull a lever, then you need to find the room with the elevator that is located near the trap that comes out of the wall and spans at you.

Breath of Hades
When you depress the wind icon on the center pressure plates, the three doors will open to lead you to The Breath of Hades. Enter the rightmost door and pull the switch to get to it. Head forward down the hallway and down the stairs to the small walkway. Go right where you will see and cracked wall that that can be pushed. Give a good heave and inside you will find some ammo and a level to pull. Do so and the far door will open and wooden poles will rise for you to jump across on. Make your way back to the entrance and wait for the gust of wind to stop before making your first jump.

There is no set way across to the other side as the logs move back and forth and side to side. Hop across them and I would suggest saving after you reach each log. It took me about 15 deaths to finally make it across to the other side. When you finally do make it across, grab the blue air crystal from the holder. Now you need to make your way back across the wooden poles again to the entrance. When you grabbed the jewel the wind has stopped, not that it made a big difference anyways. Hop back across and run down the tunnel to enter the Hall of Seasons again.

Neptune's Hall
After you have dropped your stone in the hole beneath the painting, go press the center piece with the three wavy lines on it that look like water. When the three doors open in the wall, take the leftmost doorway and pull the level to open the iron gate. Head under it and around the corner to the end of the corridor to enter Neptune's hall. As you enter you will see a flame wielding ass master on the other side of a large gap. I mean a knight on the other side of the large gap with a flame sword. Wait until he starts to come towards you and then run around the opposite direction and down the water hole in the next room. Don't stop moving though as the flame knight like to toss fireballs at you. As you jump in the water, swim down to the bottom and through the only open door. Be careful as there are three knife blades that swing back and forth. Time it right and enter the room to pull the level. When you do, you will see the lower part of the first room you entered fill with water. Head back out of the room and climb out the top of the water hole.

You know where you're going don't ya? That's right! You're going down into the water in the first room. Run and jump in and swim down towards the corner of the room with the seaweed in it. There is a small opening there that you can swim through to pull another level that will fill the room up with more water. Now with the water level higher, you can reach the open windows that lead into tunnels way. Take the tunnel above the face to grab a large health kit and the one to the right of it to grab some ammo. Enter the window to the left of the face and follow the tunnel to the opening in the floor. Get ready for a long and somewhat painful swim. Dive in and follow the passage way ignoring the health pick ups along the way. If you stop you will run out of air. Keep swimming and try to stay to the bottom half of the tunnel as it will start having spikes poking through it all over the place. Keep swimming and heal if you get hit too many times. When you comes to a part where you have to go down, do so and follow the tunnel to the left into a large room. Swim down far to the platform below that holds the Water Crystal. When you grab it, the gate covering the top will open and allow you to swim through into the room where you entered the window from.

Now that you have some air back in your lungs, swim back down and grab the level that is on the side of the platform where you grabbed the jewel near the bottom. Pull it, and a door will open under the face statue in the main room where you just where. Swim back up to get your air and then enter the passageway. When you enter, swim up through the hole in the ceiling and exit into the room next to the fire knight. Run past him and around the gap to where you entered the area to exit.

The Sanctuary of Flame
Drop off your jewel in the picture that has the wavy marking above it and head for the center piece. Press down the plate that has a picture that looks like a snowflake. Run over to the three doors and enter the far right one. Pull the level enter the hallway. When you walk into the Sanctuary of Flame there will be a whole lot of hubbub going on. Before you make any moves forward, just wait a bit until everything calms down. When the commotion has stopped make your way across the hexagon shaped stones to the far side and grab the crystal. That was way too easy wasn't it? Now comes the tricky part.

As you go to make your way back across the lava pit, all the stones are gone except for two right in front of you. As you get closer you will see some more form out of nothing and some will hover and some will rest on the lava. Jump on the stone directly in front of you (jump from about 2-3 stairs down) and jump to the right platform. When you land, jump and grab the edge of the stones above it and pull yourself up. Jump across to the next set of two stones but don't stand in one place for too long or flames will bonk you on the head and it really hurts. Jump to the left onto the stones there. Walk forward a bit and some more stones will appear out of no where. Walk along them to the left and some more will come floating over. Hop over another gap as more stones float into place. When you are near the cluster of stones near the entrance, jump over to them and make your way out of the room.

Wrath of the Beast
After you have entered the stone under the painting run back out to the center section and press the last stone down. Head over to the three doors and this time make your way through the center hallway. Pull the switch and enter the passageway. As you enter the Wrath of the Beast there is a little scene which shows a large room and a totally kick ass statue of a demon who crumbles and destroys said large room. Make your way to the left and drop off the edge to the platform below. Continue along the left side of the room but be quick as some of the blocks will crumble beneath you. Hop over the small gap to the next stone and then start making your way right across the room. Climb up the stones at the end that look like a large set of stairs. When you are on top of them jump over towards the ledge along the right wall.

When you land on the platform, side step your way across the ledge with your back against the wall. When you reach the green tiled platform on the other side it will start to shake and move but don't worry it's not going anywhere. Move up to the next stone and get ready for some fancy jumping. When you step on the next stone in front of you, it will slide forward to the orange platform in front of it. Jump off on to it when it gets close and then jump to the platform to the right before it crumbles to the bottom. The platform here will split into two as the left side will break and slide down. Stay on the right and jump across to the next stone. When you do you will see a platform below with stairs leading up. Jump down there and then head up the stones that follow. These stones here you will need to climb up onto without jumping like a really big set of stairs before they crumble. When you reach the top of them, turn to the right and jump up two more stones until you finally reach the top where you will see two doors at each end of the room.

Head for the door on the right, but as you run across the bridge, stay to the right of it as it will start to fall apart. After you jump over the last gap before you reach the door, grab the ammo of the floor and the Earth Crystal from the door. When you take it, the room behind you will fill will platform stones and water will be pouring down from each end. There are two switches on either side of the room that you need to pull before you can open the door at the far end and the three fire knights in here won't make it too easy. When they hit you with their fireballs when you are pulling the switches, and they will hit you, run under the water to put it out. Heal with a health item and then run for the next switch. Do the same thing, run for the water when you get hit and then exit through the door when you have both switches pulled. If you are low on health and heading for the door, don't use a health pack as you will have full health when you exit the room.

Hall of Seasons
Now that you have all four stones in place, a door down in the fire and booby trap part opens. Go and press the wavy piece in the center and run through the middle hallway that opens. Pull the lever there and you will fall down through the floor. Follow the slope down and then the hallway to the right until you come to a hallway with fire and lava in each direction. Make your way to the left but watch as there are two blades that fall to the ground here. Let them fall once and then time your run past them or if you are daring enough, you can run right at them and keep going with out them touching you. As you past them, on the left will be an arched doorway. Inside is the elevator that you use to get back up into the Hall of Seasons. Remember where it is because we will be coming back to it soon. For the next few traps, you can just keep running with out stopping. Run past the spinning blade without stopping and then over the two fire pits until you come to a walkway with holes on each side of it.

Spikes will jut out from each side and kill you rather quickly if you get hit. Walk and weave your way through these spikes until you reach the other side of them. Jump over the next two fire pits and you will come to a door on the right side. Enter it and pull the level to enter a large room with a large piece of machinery in the middle. In here you will need to turn three valves along the catwalks and then one final one on the machine itself to activate it. Make your way directly left to reach the valve with the wind symbol above it. Give it a turn and then head back over to the opposite side of the catwalk. Climb down the ladder and then run and jump over to the wooden beam sticking out across to the left from the ladder. Jump and grab the edge to pull yourself up. Head on over to the ladder and climb up and back flip off it onto the ledge when you are about halfway up the ladder.

Follow the catwalk along to the next ladder and to the valve at the top. Turn it and head back down the one ladder to the catwalk below. From here, you will need to make a jump across to the catwalk around the machinery. Jump from the platform you are on and land on the platform across from you to the right of the large pipe. When you land, follow the catwalk along to the right until you see a chain strung out from the machinery to the wall above another catwalk. Grab it and shimmy over to the catwalk there. Climb up the ladder and turn the valve at the top in the small alcove. Climb back down and across the chain again to the catwalk around the machinery. The last valve is on the machine it self and is on the catwalk below you. To get there you need to walk around the platform until you see the door where you enter the room from. Jump over to the platform there and follow the ladder on the left down to the next catwalk and then right down the ladder there to the ground. Watch out for the knight down there as you run to the right around the machine until you reach the ladder to climb up it.

Make your way around the machine to the right where you will see the valve. Before you turn it, get ready to run to the chain that is above and to the right of you so you can escape very quickly. When you turn the valve a lot of blades and spinning things activate and will kill you immediately. Now, turn the valve and run to the right and jump to grab the chain spanning across the room. Climb over to the other side and you will notice you are where you landed during a jump to the second valve. Jump across to the catwalk on the right and climb up the ladder to the door where you entered from. Pull the lever to open the door and make your way up the stairs to the fire corridor again. Go to the left and go through the reverse of fire pits and traps that you did to get to the door in the first place. Hop over the two fire pits and then weave through the spikes that poke out at you. Hop over the pits again and this time crawl along the ledge as the spinning blade spins horizontally so you can sneak past.

Enter the arched door way on the right and pull the rope to activate the lift. Pull the rope once and there will be a room behind you to grab some health items in. Grab them and then pull the rope again to return to the Hall of Seasons. When you enter the hall, the pile of rubble will be right in front of you. Climb up it to the highest point and notice the center now has pedestals that are rising and lowering. Jump from the rubble to the lowest platform and work your way around from platform to platform until you finally reach the fourth one. Jump up from it to grab the circular structure at the top and pull yourself up onto it. Follow it around until you come to a flat walkway that leads over to the passageway around the room. Hop over the railing and follow the walkway around to the right. Ignore the knight that breaks through the wall and continue until you reach the staircase. Head up it and out the door to the left at the top.

There will be a knight here and I suggest using the shotgun to blow him off the edge of the walkway. These guys really slow down the frame rates for some reason and you really don't want more than one on the screen at once. Knock him off the edge and continue around the corridor doing the same to the rest of the knights you run into. Finally when you come to the end and the floor is broken and destroyed, climb the wall to the left and make your way over to the right where there is a ledge and a switch. Pull the lever and a door will open inside the small hallway where you entered at the top of the stairs. Climb back along the wall to the walkway and run around to the other side and down the hallway where the door opened. Inside there you will see the wall is cracked and can be pushed. Do so, and Lara will comment about being stronger. Make your way out and all the way back around to the wall you can climb by the lever. Climb over to the ledge and rest your grip because the next climb is a long one.

Hop up on the wall and climb straight up until Lara turns around. Keep going straight and to the left where there is a small stone slab. You should reach the stone platform just as your grip runs out. Rest and look up and you will see a hole in the ceiling. Jump and climb your way over to the hole in the ceiling which is another long climb. Pull yourself up into the small room and climb to the left to land on the ledge. Head through the large gray door and down the hall. There will be two hallways you can take at the end but they both lead to the same place. Go up the stairs and enter the room to square off with your first boss. Inside the room will be a few statues and a blue shining object that moves from statue to statue. There is also a red ghost that chases you around the room and will kill you very quickly if he touches you. When you get near the blue thing which is actually an Obscura painting it moves to another statue before you can grab it.

The easiest way I found to defeat the ghost was to pull out the shotgun and fire at him until he stops moving. Put the gun away and run to the statue with the painting and then grab it. As long as the Ghost isn't moving the painting will stay put. When you grab the painting, run like hell again to exit through the doorway in the far side of the room. Don't stop running. Just because you have the painting doesn't meant he ghost will stop coming after you. The first time I fought him, I grabbed the painting and stopped in the hallway and danced in front of the ghost taunting him and he came down the hallway and killed me. Oops. Run down the hallway that is half filled with water and the screen will fade black.

Tomb of the Ancients
As you enter the corridor it starts to fill with water. A lot of water. Swim your way up through the opening and out the open doors that you will remember from the broken bridge. Swim all the way up to where you entered the tomb way back when. When you reach the entrance, or exit as it is this time around swim up to the final opening to reach the dig site.

Archeological Dig Site

Walk towards the crate and fence at the far end. Climb on top of the crate and jump to grab the top of the fence. Pull yourself up and over the fence and continue to the large grey doors on the right. Open them and enter the Louvre.

Galleries Under Siege

Head up the stairs and make your way to the left. Make a right into the doorway and continue up some more stairs. When you reach the top of the third set of stairs a guard will come out of the room there and say something frenchy. Shoot him, preferably with the zap gun to take him out. Continue up the stairs until a cut scene starts and shows a team of gas mask wearing goons entering the Louvre. Finish you trek up the stairs and take out the guard at the top. Follow the hallway around to the right where you will see some smoke coming from the door ahead. When you open the door Lara will say that she needs a respirator and you will need to find them before the air meter runs out.

If you were tricky enough t grab some on the first time through, then put one on and have no fear of the green smoke. Make your way through the door and kill the guard who appears right after you are shown where the respirators are. Take his sub machine gun and continue through the open door across form you that lead into the glass case area. Head trough the open door at the end and take out the guard there. Make your way though and to the left of the next room to enter another room that has a large stairwell leading up. Make your way up the stairs after taking out the guard and continue through the door. Head down the hall and into the first room on your right. There is a guard at the end of this hall that you can kill now or wait until you come back out. Enter the room and go through the sliding glass doors on the right to reach the cabinet with the respirators.

When you take them Lara will for some reason gain the ability to sprint now. Exit the room and make your way back down the hallway and down the stairs. When you reach the bottom of the stairs, in the next room will be two guards. Pop them and enter the door on the left. When you enter, a guard will slide down a rope in front of you. Let him hit the ground first and then take him out. At the far end on each side is an opening. Go through either one and take out the guards at the top and bottom of the stairs. Make your way down them and around the corner to go down another set. At the far left when you reach the bottom will be an open door way. Go through and make a left down another hall way which will take you into a long cut scene. Grab a sammich sit back and watch.

Von Croy's Apartment
When you enter Von Croy's apartment walk around and check out all the shining stuff on the floor. There will be a lot of ammo on the floor behind the table along with a pistol. Grab them all and keep checking out the apartment. The computer and table beside it will give some information on the black alchemists of ancient times along with some info on Eckhart. By the window there will also be Von Croy's cane that will sparkle blue. When you grab it a guy will run into the room and take shots at you. Fire a few at him and move towards him as he moves around the room. He will move into the kitchen, around a pillar and then into the living room area. He will then run out the door and disappear.

Walk down the hall and enter the next room. Walk around and pick stuff up off the floor. When you grab something from behind a covered couch the guy will reappear and shot out a section of wall. Duck behind the couch when he fires and then pop back out when he doesn't to fill him with some bullets. Eventually he will run away again and vanish. Exit through the hole in the wall and you will see laser beams on either side of you. Now is time for the fancy tricks of Ms. Lara Croft. You need to go prone position to make it past he first laser beam which is to lie on your stomach and crawl. Do this by press stealth while you are crawling on all fours. They seemed to have failed to mention this move in the instruction manual. Get on your stomach and crawl to your right under the laser beams.

Get up when you pass them and run around the corner. When you do, you will be shown some dynamite on the walls that explode and demolish the next room. Hop down to the bottom to grab a full health pack and then hop up to the middle floor and continue down the hall. When you round the corner you will see some laser beams show up as you pass and the guy has returned at the end of the hall. Run towards the lasers in front of you as they move down the hall and open fire when you are clear of them. Use the Viper Machine gun to take him out and watch his body bump down the stairs. After he is dead a little scene plays and you are of to Prague.

The Monstrum Crime Scene
As you get out of your SUV and run into the open area that is surrounded by building, Lara makes a quip about it being cold. Take a tour of the area if you like to get acquainted with the area. When you are done, head for the red car to the left of where you entered and you will start a conversation with a reporter who has been watching the building to the right. Talk to him however you like and he will tell you to come back in half an hour to get a pass code into the building he's watching. As you finish talking, a guy behind you in an alley way will start firing at you. Kill him and follow the alley way around the right corner where you will find a hammer on the ground. Pick it up and make your way back out of the alley. Now make your way directly across the area to the alley way on the left.

You will see a man walking around near the end of it that you will have to take out. Kill him along with the dog and another person that you will run into around the corner. When there are taken out, continue to the square on the ground just past the stairs. Use the hammer on the lock (I guess the crowbar couldn't handle it) and open the small door. Hop down the hole and follow the passage way to the water at the end. Make a right around the corner and follow the walkway until you reach a broken wall on your right. Enter the small room and go up the stairs to a door way on the left. Enter and follow the stairs up to a small hallway. Follow it down to run into an old friend. After the short scene, talk to Bouchard and have a conversation with him. When you are done, exit through the door on the bright side of the room and enter a large room with a picture on the floor and bookcases around the top floors. Climb up the spiral staircase and make your way to the other side along the walkway until you reach a dresser that you can push.

Push it against the scaffolding and hop on top of it. From here jump and grab the ledge to pull yourself up. Follow the planks up the ramp and jump to another ledge above you. Pull yourself up and make the long jump forward across to another wooden plank. From here follow the planks to the left and over one smaller gap to a chain that you can pull. Pull it twice and you will see the clock below open. Turn around and hop back over the small gap and then climb down the scaffolding there. It's easier and faster then jumping all the way back over to the other side. Follow the stairs down and go to the clock. Move the clock hands to 3 'o clock and the picture on the floor will open up. Follow the stairs down into a red room with a few glass displays and a desk at the far end. Pick up the Vasiley Full Fax on the floor in front of the desk to get a code number that is on it for the keypad on the wall behind the desk. Go over to it and type in 31597 to have the painting slide over and reveal the Obscura engraving. Also it was at this time that I noticed I had a Crystal Shard in my inventory that I have no clue what so ever about where I picked it up from. If you read on one of the glass display pillars, it says something about a weapon of three crystal shards. Hmmmmm interesting.

Grab it and head back up the stairs. Exit through the door you entered from and you find that Bouchard is gone. Head back through the hallway you entered his room from originally and open the door on the left. Seems Bouchard is no more. Grab the key from his cold lifeless body and head back down the stairs to the small room at the bottom. Use the key you found on Bouchard to open the red door on the left and exit up the stairs that were near the square door you entered in the ground. Outside here will be the reporter waiting for you and to tell you he has a pass code to get you into The Straghov. He will offer to sell you a gun which sounds pretty cool for 800 pounds but I didn't sell anything at the pawn shops and didn't have enough money. After the talk with him, the two of you jump in his car and take off.

The Strahov Fortress
When you enter the large room, there are a few metal container boxes around. The open one you can enter to grab a large health kit off the ground. Head back out into the room and make your way over to the large door the left of where you entered. When you do, a little scene will show you an electro magnet starts up and comes over to pick up a box of the really high stack. Now you can hop up on the far right crate and jump across to the highest crate in the room. From there make a running jump across to the small silver box on the wall with a pipe coming out of it. From there you can jump across to the right and grab the railing on the catwalk to pull yourself up. When you start walking, Lara will make a comment about how she wants you to keep a low profile which doesn't seem to matter since if you are spotted, you just have to deal with three guards. When you climbed over the railing you landed on a catwalk.

Climb down the ladder and run across it to the other side of the room and up the ladder there to the door on the left. Use the security pass to open the door and continue around the catwalk where you will run into a few more guards. Take them out and follow the catwalk around to the end past a ladder to another ladder that leads into a control room with a guard. Pop him and pull the lever to activate the electro magnet. Grab the Sub Machine gun that the guards flashing body left behind and climb back down the ladder. Follow the catwalk around until you come back to the ladder that you passed the first time. Climb all the way up to the top and follow the catwalk and down the stairs into the control room. A cut scene will start and Lara will use the Magnet to take out the guns below the catwalks below you. When you are done make your way back over to the ladder and climb all the way back down. Head back over to right of the first ladder that you climbed to find another ladder going down. Now that the guns are destroyed you can walkthrough the area freely. Run to the door on the far side and enter the next room. Run through the debris in the next room and make a right at the first corner.

Follow the corridor down until you reach a fence with some crates beside it. There is a barking dog behind the fence that is really annoying so take it out. I used the sub machine gun on the dog and it just didn't want to die. It bled a lot but just wouldn't die! Use the pistol or any other gun to kill it and get ready for some box moving. Grab the box on the right side and move it against the fence and against the stack of boxes. Hop up on the box you just moved and push the next box back. When it is back as far as it can go, hop up on top of that one and pull the box to your left back towards the fence as far as you can. You may need to try and pull it a few times to get a bit more space on the other side. Now you need to get on the other side of the box and push it flat against the fence. Do no jump over the box though. The steam coming from the pipe above will kill you instantly.

Jump down and push the a box on the ground forward until it is flat against the crates where you need to climb up to the box you need to push. Hop up the two boxes and push the crate against the fence. When you do, Lara will get a strength upgrade that you need back near the beginning of the hallway. Hop down the boxes and make your way to a stack of two boxes to the right at the opening of the hallway. Pull the stack of boxes all the way over to the far wall where there is another silver metal box on the wall. Climb up the boxes and jump onto the metal box and turn the valve there. This will turn off the steam and allow you to make it over the fence where you just were. Head back down the hall and climb up the boxes and grab the thin gray pipe above you. Shimmy your way over the fence, but be sure to tuck your legs up as you cross over the barbed wire. Drop down on the other side and your note book will have a new entry that says "Shut down the power to clear a route through the Bio dome and Vault of Trophies".

Run over to the ladder directly ahead of you and climb up to a control panel. Pull the lever and scene starts that shows two giant saw blades starting to spin and one will cut a vent shaft in two. After the scene go to the left, against the railing and jump up to grab the edge of a beam above you. Pull yourself up and follow it until you come to another beam going left and right just a few steps ahead. Hop up on it and go to the left and hop up onto the silver vent. Walk along it towards the Saw blade that is still in the air. When you reach it, hand off the edge and drop down and very quickly grab the bottom edge of the open air vent. Pull yourself up and crawl along the vent until you reach a drop that Lara does a fancy jump down into. A cut scene starts and you can say good bye to the reporter who helped you.

When you can start moving again, crouch and crawl your way to the end of the vent and look to the right. You will see a guard walking back and forth while you are at the top in the vent opening. Drop down when he is turned and take him out. Grab his security card and look to your left. There will be a few laser beams and a shelf with a gun in it. Head to the right and pull out your gun. Lara will take aim at a canister which is just begging to be shot. Shoot it and the large spindle will roll down through the laser beams and take out some of the explosives on the ground there. Continue to the right and up the stairs to enter the control room.

Inside will be a guard directly in front of you and three more around the corner in the eating area. Grab all the ammo and health from the cabinets and the table. When you are ready to leave, pull the lever on the control panel and you will have a cut scene where Lara sees where she needs to go on the map and shuts down the grid through the Bio Dome. As the power goes down a containment unit the held a large beast escapes and takes out a guard. Back in the room where you are, Lara says that she needs to hurry though before it comes back on so get to it! Exit the room and make your way down the stairs and towards the laser beams. On the left will be a small hallway with a door that will lead to the room where the reporter was deep fried by Eckhart.

Grab the gun off the bed and the health kit out of the cabinet and head back out of the room. Make your way to the laser beams and use the prone position to crawl under the lasers but stay away from the explosives on the ground. For some reason if you Side jumped over the lasers the explosives would kill you instantly, but when you go through on your belly they take of barely any life. Make your way to the other side and make a left around the corner to the middle of the room where there will be a door on your right. You notebook will be updated with "Gain access to the Bio Dome" before you enter the door. Enter the door using the security card and there you are.

Bio-Research Facility
Walk forward and go through the sliding doors and down the stairs. Ahead of you will be a fountain and a man named Muller to the left of it. Walk over and talk to him and you will learn how far Eckhart and the Cabal are to bringing the Sleeper back to life. After the conversation, the man sprays you with some green spray and takes off into thin air. When you are running around, if you stop near the large plants, they will bend down and eat you. Fun stuff. Look at the fountain in the center of the room and activate the spout that isn't shooting out any water. When you pull on it a door to the left of the stairs where you entered will open. Run through the newly opened doorway to enter a small room with a ladder. Climb it and flip the switch at the top to open the door directly across from where you entered the area. Make your way back out of the room, across the area and up the stairs across from where you entered. When you enter the doorway, there is another door and a yellow button on the wall. Press it and go through the now opened door. When you enter the next room, make your way to the balcony and you will see a little scene showing you some glass capsules in the room.

Two are already broken and a third breaks as a stick man breaks out. The two that were already broken had potato bug like things in them and they will come up the stairs on either side of you. The stick man is also running his way across the room to get up the stairs where you are. Take them all out or just run like mad to the staircase on the left side at the far end of the room. As you climb up the stairs even more potato bugs will appear as they roll out from the openings on the wall. Run across the walkway jumping to avoid the potato bug attacks and stop when you come to a support beam above you leading out to the left with a gray pipe underneath it. Jump up and grab the pipe and shimmy your way over to a platform there that you can drop down onto. Follow the catwalk to the right and turn the valve there. Turn around and follow the catwalk back around over the small breaks until you reach another valve. Turn it and then you will be shown the floor of the capsule where the stick man broke out of will drop away. Beside the valve you just turned is a ladder that is broken.

If you climb down it you will have to drop off and lose quite a bit of health when you hit the floor. I prefer to follow the catwalk back along to the pipe and shimmy your way back over to the walkway and run down the stairs and drop down the opening in the bottom of the capsule. When you drop down, you will land in some water. Climb up to the edge and hop out. Go through the doorway there and you will enter a large room with two water pipes above a pool. Ahead of you is a slope and a ladder on the far side. Ready for a tricky jump? Of course you are. Slide down the slope and when you are ear the bottom, jump off and over to the ladder. Grab it and climb up to the top to grab a large health pack. Open the door and follow the passage way around and up the stairs to another door. Open it and take out the guard in here who just didn't want to die for me. Walk along the catwalk and jump over the gap to the other side. Make your way up the stairs to the plant on the right side. Grab the ammo and health from the other side of it. Make your way back down the stairs and over the gap again. Continue down the stairs to the platform beside the large blue pipe against the wall. Jump on it and turn the valve there to shut off the steam coming out of the pipes across from you.

Hop back off the pipe and back up the one flight of stairs. Go to the left and down the stairs there to come to a garden of sorts. In the left corner will be some vines on the wall. Jump up and Lara will grab them so that you can climb. Make your way up and to the right where there will be a ledge. Pull yourself up the ledge and there will be a large door there and a ladder. Lara will say that the door won't open so make your way up the ladder. When you reach the top of the ladder there is a switch. Flip it and a movable platform will move back and forth on a track. After the little scene of it moving it will on the far side though. Make your way back down the ladder, down the vines and back up the stairs until you come to the gap again. Hop over and continue along on the ledge to your right where the steam was coming from the pipe. Lara will hug the wall as you walk up to the ledge and follow it over to a drain pipe going up. Swing over to the left when you reach the top and shimmy over to another ledge where you can finally pull yourself up. Look up and around and you will see where the moving platform now is.

Hop up on the vines on the wall and move yourself over to the left a bit and climb the wall and ceiling until you reach the platform and can drop down on it. When you do, follow the catwalk and climb down the ladders until you come to a platform with a door. Press the button beside it to open it and enter. Walk a step or two and press another button on the wall to open the next door. Enter the room and walk along the catwalk until you get a cut scene of a large tree closing a set of doubles with its branches. Climb down the ladder at the end and make your way up the stairs on the other side to enter a room will 5 valves on the wall each with a symbol above them. To the left of the valves is a table with some drawings behind it. On each drawing there are symbols and lines from the symbols to a tree. Push the table over to reveal a drawing with a red X over it. The symbols with the lines going to the tree are the valves that you will need to turn. Go over to the valves and turn the two leftmost ones and the second one from the right. When they are turned, pull the lever to the right and some goo will go through the pipes and kill the tree. Head down the stairs and through the door that is now open.

When you enter the next very large room, you will get a camera fly through showing you a dead guard and a lot of catwalks with patrolling guards. Make your way forward when you can walk again and go to the right. There will be a guard there to take out and grab his security pass when you do. Make your way back around the center section and up the stairs to the ladder on the far side. Climb up and follow the catwalk to the left to a set of stairs. Make your way up the stairs to where there will be an impassible metal door in front of you and a glass sloped roof to your right. Along the glass roof there are 4 grey squares that you need to jump across to reach the catwalk on the other side. When you are on the last square, jump to the catwalk where the railing is missing and grab the edge. Pull yourself up and continue to the left where there is a large plant.

To the left of the plant a guard will come running over. Kill him and then look at the large gap on the other side of the plant that Lara makes a comment about not being able to jump yet. Head down the catwalk where the guard came from and make a right when you reach the big tree. Follow the catwalk around until you come to a large gap. Jump across and Lara will say that she is stronger and can make the jump across the previous large gap. Grab the large health pack and make your way all the way back to the large planet and the gap. Make the super long jump to the other side and follow the stairs up and along the catwalk until you reach the vines at the end. Climb up them and then over to the catwalk. Pull yourself up and walk down the catwalk until a cut scene with Eckhart, Muller and Boaz starts.

After the scene is over continue walking straight and grab the security card form the dead body that you first saw in the camera fly by. When you grab it make your way back to the vines and hop down to the catwalk. Make your way back to the large gap but now jump off towards the stairs to the left of the large gap. Don't hang off and drop as you will lose a lot of health. Jump off and take out the guard there and grab his security card as well. Make your way down the stairs and around the catwalk until you come to a ladder. Climb down and jump off when you can't go any farther. Now that you are back on the ground, follow the path around the center section and head to the left where you will come to a small wall way with a door and three lights above card swipers. Use the security cards in each swiper and the light above will come on. When all three are lit, the door will open and you can enter.
Run down the stairs and across the steamy bridge to the door at the end. Enter the small room and then enter the next set of doors on the left. A cut scene with Kurtis starts when the doors close.

The Sanitarium
Walk forward and to the right. Pick up the ammo off the ground and then hang off the ledge. Drop down and head around to the right again to pick up some more ammo. Jump over to the ladder across the gap and climb down. When you reach the platform, jump over to the catwalk around the center cylindrical structure. Drop down off the edge of the catwalk and continue to do so until you can enter the structure and drop down to the green door on the floor in the center of it. Open the door on the floor and drop down. Walk out of the structure and go to the left. Climb down the ladder and over to another ladder to climb down. Walk out to the end of the catwalk and jump up to the walkway above you. Grab the edge and pull yourself up. Open the double white doors and enter into the Sanitarium. When you are inside you will see office to your left and a metal gate in front of you with an inmate wobbling towards you. Open the gate and take him out.

Continue along the passage way and down the stairs to a dead body on the ground. Grab the ammo on the floor as a cut scene starts and shows you a body get dragged away by a clawed hand and taken into the vents. Go to the end of the hall where you will see an inmate running back and forth. Kill him and make a right down the hall to an open door where another inmate will be sitting on the bed. Talk to him and then leave the room and make a right to the metal gate there. When you reach it Kurtis will say that his Farsee ability will help here and then uses it to find the code for the keypad next to the door. When he gets the code, 06289, punch it on the keypad and open the door. Follow the room around to the next metal gate that has another inmate behind it. Kill him and then open the door. Follow the hallway to another metal gate at the end. When you reach it an inmate will appear to the left. Kill him and open he gate. Continue down the hall and enter the white double doors. On the other side is another inmate who just stands there.

Kill him and enter the room on the right to find another one and a health item on the floor. Pick it up and head back into the hallway making a right. Continue down and another inmate will run at you. Kill him and there will be a cafeteria on your left. An inmate will be walking around in an orange jump suit that just seems to wander. I killed him anyways. Grab the ammo and health off the floor and kill the other inmate at the far side of the room through the door by the windows. Make your way back to the corridor you were and you will see a set of double doors directly across from the cafeteria with the numbers 38471 beside the door. Forget about this door for a minute and continue walking down the corridor and another inmate will come at to you. Kill him and go through the doors at the end of the hall. Make your way up the small steps and into a lab of sorts that has a dead scientist on the far right. Pick up the security card on the ground beside him and make your way out of the room back to the cafeteria again.

Enter the cafeteria and go along the right side wall to a door there. Use the security card to enter it and make a left to the set of stairs there. When you reach the top of them you can head right to get a full health pack, but you need to go right to continue. Do so and you will come to a large gap. Jump over it and there will be a console to your left. Enter the number that was beside the double doors and the doors will pop open. Head back down into the cafeteria and across through the now open doors. When you reach the top of the stairs a cut scene will play showing a scientist and the Proto. After it is over, make your way to the end of the hall and make a left to where an inmate will come running at you. Fill him full of holes and pull the vent cover off beside the white double doors. Crouch down and crawl through the vent. When you come to a small room in there, jump and grab the ledge of another vent above you.

Crawl through here and you will come to the lab room where the scientist and the Sleeper were. Walk through the room to the other side and pull the vent cover off the vent on the far wall. Crawl through this vent as well and jump up to the next vent ledge inside like you just did getting into this room. When you reach the end of the vent a cut scene starts showing the Proto and a guard. After the scene hop down from the vent and shoot the gas canisters. It's fun isn't it? Jump up and grab the ledge in front of you between the railings and pull yourself up. Flip the switch there to shut down the fan and to allow you to crawl through. When you are past it, crawl through the vent on the left side. Make your way through the short vent and head to the right when you exit into the hallway. When you get to the end of the hall you will reach the maximum containment area.

Maximum Containment Area
Walk forward through a metal gate and down a small set of stairs. Continue past the office on the left and make your way to another gate in front of you. You will notice a door to the left that leads into the office. Ignore it for now and make your way through the gate. Go through the double doors and then down the first hallway on the right. On your right will be a room with some lab equipment in it and on the left will be a door with a small window in it. Look through the window and Kurtis will use his fancy farsee trick to look through and get another code number from an inmate's back. Make your way back to the door that was on the left and lead to the office and enter the code, 17068 on the console.

When you do, you will be shown the door with the window you looked through will now be unlocked. Head back there and enter it. Inside will be a body on the floor with an ammo clip and a security pass in front of it. Grab the goods and an inmate will run into the room. Take him out and make your way out of the room and to the left. Use the card you just picked up on the swiper beside the door to open it. Make your way forward and there will be a ramp on your right leading down to a set of doors. Before you go down it, enter the room on the right past the hallway and grab the ammo in there. Make your way down the ramp and through the doors. In the next room an inmate will come at you from ahead of you and from the hallway to the right. Take them both out and make your way to the right of where you entered. Walk down the hall a bit and you will come to a room on the left with double doors. Open them and the Proto will run past you and down the hall to grab a guard.

Exit the room and head to the right. When you do, an inmate will run up behind you. Kill him and continue going right and make your way around the corner to go directly ahead of where you entered. Crouch under the doorway here and follow the hallway to a set of stairs. Follow them down to the bottom and continue along the hallway until you reach a door. Go through the door and down the hallway to another door that leads to the large room that you saw the Proto break out of earlier in the game. Head along the catwalk to the right until you reach a ladder. Climb up and make a left to come to a bridge over to the cell that the Proto was in. Jump and grab the edge of the top and pull yourself up on top of it. From here jump over to the broken catwalk on the right and follow it around a hop over the hole. Walk under the vent and jump up to grab it and climb inside. Follow the vents down and around until you finally come to a small room to drop out into. Climb the ladder and grab the chocolate bar and the security pass off the ground. Press the button beside the hallway on the wall to open the door at the end.

Walk through and make a left and another left at the end of the hall to reach a large door with a card swiper beside it. Swipe the security card and enter to have a cut scene start. Now you are to square off with the Proto Nephilim in this room. Wheeeeeeee! This has to be the easiest boss fight I have ever had to go through in a game. You can actually get through this fight with out even being hurt. When the Proto comes towards you, start firing and walking backwards. When he has had enough, He will switch between falling over playing dead and jumping up on the end of the room and crawling into the vents. When he does, he'll jump back down eventually and you just need to keep shooting him while walking backwards. At about the 5th time he goes down a cut scene will start and Kurtis finishes him off. Walk over to the lever on the far wall where the Proto kept climbing up. Pull it and sit back to watch the long cut scene.

Aquatic Research Facility
Now that you are back in action as Lara and it seems her pants shrunk and are now shorts. Press the yellow button to exit on to a catwalk. Be careful where you walk if you decide to check this area out. There are guns at the far end that make short work of you. Hop down from the left edge and make your way around the stack of boxes on the left. At the bottom of the wall there will be a small opening that you can crawl through in your prone position. Get on your stomach and crawl through to a valve on the opposite wall. Turn it and the room will fill with steam which renders the guns useless. Run to the far end of the room past the guns and climb the drain pipe there. Follow it over to the right and up another drain pipe to a ledge that you can drop down from onto a platform. Walk down the hall to a video screen. Look at it and you will see a flashing light and an explosive sign with an arrow pointing at the light. Rocket science isn't it?

Move to the hallway on the right. Run behind the stack of boxes on the right and shoot the flashing light to cause an explosion which will take out the guns at the far end. Make your way down there and open the door on the right. Climb up the ladder and follow the hallway until you come to another door up a small set of stairs. The door will open automatically as you approach. Enter the large room and there will be a little scene that focuses on the panel in front of you. Ignore it and head down the stairs to the right. Follow the walkway along until you come to a pool on the far right that is separated from the main area with a fence. Jump in and swim down through the broken opening. Swim to the left and pull the lever on the wall and the control panel will light up and the door on the opposite end of the room will open. Make your way to the right of the opening. Swim straight through and up into the small opening to enter a room. On the left side will be a health pack to grab. Press the button to exit the room and you will be back where you were. Head on over to the other side of the room to go through the door you opened with the lever.

Head through the hallway and press the button on the wall to open the next door you come to. Walk inside the steamy room and there will be a large door in front of you with a button on either side. Walk over to the left side to active a camera which will show a room with dripping water. The button on the right will bring up the elevator and open the doors. Hop inside the elevator and press the button to take a trip down. Walk forward and hop off the ledge and go through the door. Walk to the end of the hall and pull the lever there to activate the other side of the control panel. Turn around and head back out the doors. Jump and grab the edge and pull yourself up to the elevator again. Press the button and go for another ride. Walk down the hall to exit back into the large room. When you do, you are shown a scene with two levers and the sliding door over the ladder on the far side opening. Make your way to the right and up the stairs to the top platform in the middle. There is a metal container with an open top there that you need to pull back onto the blue square behind you. Do so and press the yellow button beside it.

It will move the container along the catwalk. Follow it and pull it into the small room on the right. Push it over the grate and then pull the lever. The container will fill with bloody chunks. Pull the container back out and onto the blue square again to make Lara comment about her strength. Push the yellow button beside the container and it will slide back to where it was. Push it back on to the center part and make your way down and over to the ladder on the other side of the room near the pool you jumped into earlier. When you climb the ladder you will enter a small room with two cameras to look through. Each camera shows a sign with a number and a level under it. Walk to the left and exit through the door there and follow the catwalk along until you reach the broken end. Climb the drain pipe up over and up to the ledge. Grab it and shimmy over to the right and your strength will run out right about now, letting you fall to a catwalk below. Press the button to bring the moving platform over and step on it. As you do you are taken over to the other side. The large door there will open automatically as you approach.

Enter and press the button to open the door in front of you and the next door after that up the stairs. Enter a room here and there will be a guard walking around. Take him out and grab the ammo from the cabinets on each side of the door. Head tot eh right and enter the room there to pull a lever which will lower the chunks of meat into the water. Make your way back out to the moving platform and hop into the water. Apparently the blood and food was supposed to keep the water monster busy while you hit the switch but he came right after me. Pull the lever on the far wall that is labeled Number One. Climb out of the water by using the ladder directly behind you. Run along the catwalk to the right and back over to jump into the pool that was directly below the moving platform you were riding earlier. Swim down and through the opening on the far wall there. Swim up and out to watch a cut scene as Lara gets nekkid. Now that she has changed, swim over to the switch labeled Number Two. Pull it and another door will open. Dive down through the opening in the floor to swim back out to the main area and the big nasty water monster. Swim over to the opening under the blood and keep following it down until you reach the Vault of Trophies.

The Vault of Trophies
Start swimming through the tunnels around the corner. In front of you will be a set of spikes that shoot out from the wall. Swim in between them and continue going straight to another set. Get past those and take a breather in the space above the intersection. When you are ready, swim down and to the left where you will come to a hole in the wall. Swim down the passage there and follow it around through the tunnels to the left. If you come to a brick wall, turn around and start swimming straight. Swim up through am opening and you will come to a small room. Climb out and grab the health and aqua lung. Use the aqua lung and start swimming back towards the brick wall. Lara will do a cool little kick to break it and swim through to the large cavern with statues. Your notepad will be updated now telling you that the statues are the key. Swim over to the large mural on the wall of the two statues. Above it is another breakable wall that you can enter to get more air if your aqua lung is on its way out.

Swim back down and Lara will read the mural and say the statues need to be united. If you look above the statues on the mural there is an "L" and a "V" over their heads. Swim over to the statues and look at the name plates behind each one. Find Vasily and Limoux and yank the chains that are behind them. When both statues have been moved into the center, they will break the ceiling and allow you to swim through. Swim up and Lara will get nekkid again. Now that you are out of the water, turn around and head down the orange cave behind you. Watch out for the huge rock that slams up and down and scared the living crap out of me. Run under it using sprint and continue on. When you reach the drop off, pull the lever on the right to make some platform stones appear. Remember these guys? Hop on the middle one and make your way over to the large rock on the right. From here 3 more stones will appear on the other side that you can easily hop one by one over to the other side of the cave.

Run down the corridor and enter the room at the bottom. Inside will be two knights from earlier in the game walking around trying to hurt you. To the left of the entrance will be a lever to pull. Do so and make your way over to the opposite end of the room. To the left of the large tapestry on the wall will be a chain. Pull it and the tapestry will rise. Don't worry about the knights. They didn't seem to hurt me while I was pulling the chain. Run away when you are done to lure the knights away. When they are on the other side of the room, run back to where the tapestry was and climb the wall there. Make your way up and to the right to a ledge. Hop over to the metal platform across from you and turn to look across the room. Jump and grab the metal walkway above you and shimmy your way across the room. Drop down on the platform halfway across and it will slide over the book case down below.

Make your way back to the metal platform and then back over to the wooden ledge. Climb halfway down the wall and back flip off it so the knights don't hack you. Run over to the right side of the table beside the bookcase and grab the Obscura painting. When you do, the fire goes out in the fire place and you can now crawl through it. Do so and open the door at the end. Enter the next room and dive into the water. Swim along keeping to the right when come across another tunnel. Eventually you will come to a very large room and Eckhart will welcome you. After a cut scene you are in control of Kurtis again.

Boaz Returns
Enter the big nasty spider like Boaz and she sure isn't as sexy as she once was. Boaz has five spots on her for you to shoot. There are two openings on each side of her and a center one under her mouth. When the 4 on the sides are shot enough times they close up and she'll be dead. What you need to do is shoot the spot under her mouth to make her switch to the sides. She will then start shooting goo from an opening on the side. Change the target by hitting the square button and start attacking the opening that is spewing forth the green goods. When you have shot it enough times it will turn a light green and it won't shoot out anymore.

Boaz will then start shooting the goo from her mouth again. Repeat what you just did. Target the spot under her mouth and shoot it a few times. When you do, she will switch and start spewing green goo at you from the side. Change targets by hitting square, and start nailing the opening shooting at you. Keep doing this pattern until all four side openings have been shot out. When they are all shot out, a cut scene starts and Boaz returns in another form. When she flies towards you in the butterfly state, just shoot her repeatedly until she falls over. A cut scene will start after she is dead and Kurtis makes sure Boaz is dead this time.

The Lost Domain
Make your way down the tunnel and take the passage that leads to the right. Hop over the small platforms to the other side where there is a lever. When you jump across Lara will say her legs are stronger. Hop up on the walkway and follow it back across the room. Grab the full health kit on your way out. Make your way to the other passage until you come to the edge with a lever beside you. When you pull the lever, the door at the far end opens but it doesn't stay open long. You need to make your way across the stone platforms before the door come down again. Use sprint to make each jump and you will clear each jump no problem.

If you don't use sprint you will hang on each edge and it will take way too long. When you make it across in time continue along the passage way into the next room. Directly ahead of you will be some stones and a door at the far side. Jump over to the left side and climb a ladder there. Climb another to reach the broken bridge above you. Jump across the gap and then slide down the slope to the left. Jump off the slope and grab the ledge of the walk way directly across from it. Pull the lever and drop down to the stone platform. Make a diagonal jump from the stone platform over to the stairs and make your way up to the door. After the door opens, walk into to Eckhart's lab.

Eckharts Lab
Make your way forward and down the ramped tunnel. As you slide there will be a platform ahead of you up high for you to jump to. If you don't, the spikes will nail you good. When you are on the platform, jump off across the lava pit and pass the spikes on the other side. Continue down the tunnel and through the door way into Eckharts actual lab. Head up the stairs on the left and in the far corner of the room on a table will be Alchemic Phial #1. Pick it up and crawl under the structure to the left to grab a health pack. Make your way back down the stairs and pull the lever there. When you do, the gate door in the floor opens and the cover on top of the ladder lifts to allow you to climb it. Climb up before the released knight gets over to you and step of the ladder at the top. Make your way over to the right, if you are facing the ladder, to the large structure there. Run around to face the fancy design on it and place the phial in it.

Make your way back over to the ladder. Either side jump or back flip from the walkway over to land on top of the cage that is in the air. When you land on it, take a little walk around on it and a small door will open allowing you to drop in. Drop in and grab the phial of the floor. When you do, the cage will start to lower and you need to get back on top of it fast. Climb up the side of the cage and climb out the opening. Now that you are on top of it, let it go all the way down and jump to the opening in the side of the wall. Crawl inside and grab the third phial. Hop out and climb up the wall to the top. When you reach the top you will need to make a back flip off of the wall like you did earlier in the game but off of a ladder. If the knights are still being a pain in the butt, then just shoot them off the edge and into the pit to finally get rid of them once and for all. Walk up the stairs and place the phial in the slot beneath the first one. After that, turn around and walk into the water room and place the third phial in the circular design on the wall.

When you have all three placed, a scene starts and shows white liquid go into the water. Swan dive into the water to celebrate being so close to the end (jump and R2 for a swan dive). Swim down and grab the third and final crystal shard which activates the door in the other room. Swim back up and head through the now open door. Walk through as have fun as you slide down a hill for quite a long ride. When you reach the bottom open the door and enter the large room. Walk to the center of the room and Eckhart will start talking. After the cut scene the battle begins and it's a pretty easy battle at that.

Eckhart will remain out side the circle and will fire beams of energy at you. All you need to do to avoid them while facing him is to jump forward and to the right. Make sure you are far enough away from the wall though that you don't jump into it. He will throw beams at you until he has gone in a complete circle around. When he is done that, he will create three copies of himself that will all run to the center of the circle. Shoot him when he is there and he will slump over. Walk up to him to have a scene where you stab him. Again, he will appear outside the circle and this time he will start throwing fire at you. Avoid it the same way as the energy beams and eventually he will create three more versions of himself that run into the center of the circle. Keep following this pattern until the third time when he is finally destroyed for good. Now though, we have a new problem on our hands, Karel.

If you thought the last battle was easy then this will be a cake walk. All you need to do to defeat Karel is run away from his energy shots he lazily tosses at you and make your way to the top of the structure to the Sleeper. Run over to Eckhart's body and grab the glove that is on the ground. Make your way around the room and find the pillar that has a button on the back of it. When you press this button, the ladder leading up to the walk way above you will drop down. Run over to it and climb on up. When you are on the second catwalk, run around until you come to another ladder. Keep going up the ladders until you finally reach the top being careful to not get hit by Karels blasts. They can knock you right back down to the ground. From here you will see the Sleeper hanging in front of you. Run and jump towards it and a cut scene will start to end the game. Congratulations!