PlaStitch DesignsT.M.
Chris W. Jones

6"x 6" Angel, Pattern #7
Gold Anoidized Aluminum Frame
(To get a close-up view and description, click on picture!)
Chris W. Jones


"Plastitch T.M., is a form of art I invented, manifested, refined,  and self taught in 1996 after having the idea in my head since I was about fifteen years old!

It is a form of embroidering thread through hand crafting of geometric design patterns, through holes the size of needles! 

By drilling or lasering the holes into various types of 'plastic' or acrylic sheets and weaving the thread through the holes to form a unique  piece of art,
hence the name,
PlaStitch T.M."

Gallery #1
Gallery #2
"I use a variety of threads including but not exclusively; metallic, fluorescent, regular cotton, polyester blends, nylon and even a new thread which 'glows' in the dark!

All the threading is done painstakingly with each color used being one continuous thread, without 'piecing' of  threads together.

Then I tie off the thread when I am finished in a unique way where the 'knots' are practically invisible."

Chris W. Jone
s (9/25/06)

Gallery #4
Copyright Chris W. Jones                       Photo courtesy of Steve Powell
Copyright Chris W. Jones, photo courtesy of Steve Powell
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