If you have a comment about one of these characters then email me and I'll add it to the page...
for overall comments on Tom Paterson why not add to the guest book! My email is- thejeep2000@yahoo.co.uk
Counter Peter Gray + <b> <br>Comics<p>

The latest by Tom Paterson in The Beano and Dandy
Buy it now!
Bananaman spoof, Zany, Funny, Stupid, Super hero
Brain Duane the mad inventor...once turned his room into chocolate...yummy!
Calamity James my favourite!......'he is the new Jonah a sea ship disaster man'...But to James disaster happens to him anywhere and not just at sea!! He also looks a bit like Jonah...are they related!! What bad luck....look out for Squelchy creatures.....I love it when James went on a bus with hundreds of Squelchy's singing the Cliff Richard song...'We all going on a Squelchy holiday!'
Hyde and Shriek very scary fun!!
Minnie the minxs need I say more!!! Leo Baxendale will be pleased with his creation drawn so superly...Tom Paterson is a big fan of Leo's work and his work has a lot of simalities!!
Rasper.....It reminds me of Harry S from the Goon show...lots of super rasperberries!!!!

See the www.beanotown.com official website now!

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This is a fan site!

I'm not associated with Fleetway and DC Thomson comics..Enjoy these pages!

My email is- thejeep2000@yahoo.co.uk