I thought I should give out awards too, myself... you just have to apply for them, and I'll give your site a go, maybe I'll award it to you. Hey, no hard feelings if you don't get it... not that you SUCK! , just that maybe it needs a little touching up. I'll give you an honorary mention, so don't worry. Here are samples of each award--samples only! and descriptions in txt format. Good Luck and keep those creative juices flowing! Oh yeah--gomen, but I don't judge hentai sites. @.@
Oh yeah... PS: Sometimes I just give out these awards at random. Tas, Raist and my Little Angeyuy help me do the judging, FYI! Click on the images to view the larger version.

Omi's Interesting Award!   

Omi-certified Interesting Site Award -


Youji's Cool Site! award

Youji's Cool Site Award-


Ken's Eye Candy award


Ken's Eye Candy Award- by the name itself... well, EYE CANDY! ^_^


Aya's Impressive Site award

Dufallig- Aya's Impressive Choice Award. FYI: These are for sites that I've grown rather fond of, but you can still apply for it, anyway...

This is the one and only Weiß Kreuz site that I'm giving away...

Ultimate Weiß Kreuz site award

Five Fingers Up Ultimate Weiß Kreuz award- Don't think just because of the long name it's scary. If you have a Weiß site which you think is worthy, cool. I'll have a go-see anyway, see what you MIGHT win alternatively in case you don't nab the Five Fingers. Damn it, just chop them off Ran's hand! Just kidding!


I like personalizing the awards, so if you e-mail me with your application, please include the following information: Name of your site (important!), YOUR name, the award/s(max of 2) you wish you'd win, site URL and reasons why you think you should win this site. Oh yeah, if you click here, you'll find an award page for the Schwartz, but you can apply for awards two at max, ok? Thanks!