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The Pinwiz Page


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What's New? My Resume J. S. Bach Composer Gallery Band Organ Bonanza The Organ Builder Bill's Soup Kitchen Pinball Art Gallery Fractal Art Gallery Friends Links Webdesign Christmas Favorites Meet the PinWiz Time Out

So! What the heck is a PinWiz? It's a Pinball Wizard. I restore, repair, and maintain antique and collectible pinballs. So, why in Vienna? Well, it's a living (the pinballs I mean)... But my first love (or at least much higher on the list than work) is music, electronic music, lots of it, all day long. I play it in the car, while I work, and now I surf the Web in search of new pieces to listen to. After a week on the net, I saw that Vienna was where I was spending a lot of time so...I moved in.

In these pages are some of my favorite things; Music, Food, and Pinball. Most of these MIDI files are original transcriptions, some are anonymous files or donations from friends I've collected and heavily reworked over the years. The soup recipes I have perfected over years of enthusiastic experimenting. The pinballs are all games I have personally worked on over the last twenty years. So pull up a comfy chair, have a nice bowl of soup, listen to a favorite tune, and enjoy the artwork.

Please don't forget to sign my guestbook. Thanks for stopping by.

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WhatzNew?| Home| Resume| Bach| ComposerGallery| Band-organ| OrganBuilder| SoupKitchen| PinballArt| FractalArt| Friends| Links| WebDesign| Guestbook| MeetPinWiz| ChristmasFavorites| TimeOut|

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Last update May 12, 2001

© 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001 Bill the PinWiz

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